possibly_uninit 0.1.0-preview

Traits and types helping with using uninitialized memory safely.

Possibly uninitialized

Traits and types helping with using uninitialized memory safely.


This crate provides several traits and types that make working with uninitialized memory safer. They avoid memory bugs like accidentally writing uninitialized value into initialized memory, reading uninitialized memory, etc. They also provide strong guarantees for other safe code, which is expressed as unsafe traits.

Since uninitialized values make most sence when it comes to large objects, the main focus is on slices and arrays. For instance, you can initialize Box<[T]> or Box<[T; N]> after it was allocated, avoiding copying. Unfortunately that part isn't quite perfect right now, but it does seem to work correctly.

The crate is no_std-compatible and alloc-compatible, of course.

This is a preview version aimed at getting feedback and review from the Rust community. If you find any bugs or find something unclear, feel free to reach out!