posh-transient 0.2.1

A simple command-line tool that automatically adds transient-prompt to your oh-my-posh configuration.


A simple command-line tool that automatically adds transient-prompt to your oh-my-posh configuration, based on the rightest left segment of your input line.


cargo install posh-transient


One-time generate

# prints path to the generated file
posh-transient <input theme json> <output folder or file>

If an output folder (instead of a preexisted file) is specified, assume your input is theme.json, the output filename would be theme.transient.json.

Put it inside oh-my-posh init

Replace your configuration path to an invocation of this program.

Take pwsh as an example:

# Change this
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/catppuccin_mocha.omp.json" | Invoke-Expression

# Into this
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config (&posh-transient "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/catppuccin_mocha.omp.json" "<Some folder you want to place the generated file in>") | Invoke-Expression

posh-transient will exit early if the destination file is already generated.

