pub trait CongAlgBuilder<'a> {
    fn args() -> App<'a>;
fn with_arg_matches(args: &ArgMatches) -> Result<Self>
        Self: Sized
; }
Expand description

Tell portus how to construct instances of your impl [portus::CongAlg].

You should also annotate your struct with portus_export::register_ccp_alg).

Required methods

This function should return a new clap::App that describes the arguments this algorithm needs to create an instance of itself.

This function takes as input the set of parsed arguments and uses them to parameterize a new instance of this congestion control algorithm. The matches will be derived from running Clap::App::get_matches_from on the clap::App returned by the register function. It also takes an instsance of a logger so that the calling program can define the logging behavior (eg. format and redirection).
