poolite 0.2.1

A lite thread pool library.

A lite thread pool library written for Rust.



    poolite = "0.2.1"


    poolite = { git = "https://github.com/biluohc/poolite",branch = "master", version = "0.2.1" }


Create a thread pool:

  • use poolite::Pool::new() create a thread_pool.

The following are optional:

  • min() receive usize as minimum number of threads in pool,default is cpu's number.
  • time_out() receive u64 as thread's idle time(ms) except minimum number of threads,default is 5000(ms).
  • name() receive &str as thread's name,default is None.
  • stack_size() receive usize as thread's stack_size,default depends on OS.

Let thread pool to start run:

  • run() let pool to start run.

Add a task to the thread pool:

  • spawn() receive Box<Fn() + Send>Box<FnMut() + Send> and Box<FnOnce() + Send>(Box<FnBox()+Send>).
  • while leave scope,pool will drop automatically.


extern crate poolite;

use std::time::Duration;
use std::thread;

fn main() {
    let pool = poolite::Pool::new().run();
    pool.spawn(Box::new(move || test(32)));

    fn test(msg: i32) {
        println!("fib({})={}", msg, fib(msg));
    fn fib(msg: i32) -> i32 {
        match msg {
            0...2 => 1,
            x => fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2),
    thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); //wait for pool 2000ms