polymorph-allocator 1.2.0

A simple memory allocator
# polymorph-allocator

A simple Rust memory allocator, designed for [polymorphOS][].

This crate takes heavy inspiration from [awooOS/dmm][], a simple C memory
allocator for bare-metal uses.

In it's current state, `polymorph-allocator` is usable, however it is likely to
be slow for lots of small allocations. This is an artifact of it's design -
every allocation requires iterating through the entire list of allocated chunks
until a free chunk is found.

The next major release of `polymorph-allocator` is planned to completely change
how the allocation works, which will improve it's speed, but also it's
complexity. The current version of `polymorph-allocator` is rather simple to
understand, and so it could be good as a learning tool. Who knows.

[polymorphOS]: https://sr.ht/~ren/polymorphos
[awooOS/dmm]: https://github.com/awooos/dmm

## Usage

use polymorph_allocator::LockedAllocator;

pub static ALLOCATOR: LockedAllocator = LockedAllocator::empty();

fn main() {
    // For a 32MB heap starting at 1MB in RAM:
    ALLOCATOR.lock().add_region(0x100000, 0x2000000);

## License

`polymorph-allocator` is licensed under the MIT License, the same license as
the rest of polymorphOS.

You can find this license in the `LICENSE` file in the top level of this