polyline-ffi 0.6.5

FFI bindings for the polyline crate
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# FFI Bindings for the [rust-polyline]https://github.com/georust/rust-polyline Crate
A Python implementation using these bindings is available at [pypolyline](https://github.com/urschrei/pypolyline)

## A Note on Coordinate Order

This crate uses `Coordinate` and `LineString` types from the `geo-types` crate, which encodes coordinates in `(x, y)` order. The Polyline algorithm and first-party documentation assumes the _opposite_ coordinate order. It is thus advisable to pay careful attention to the order of the coordinates you use for encoding and decoding.

## `decode_polyline_ffi`
Convert a Polyline into an array of coordinates.  
Callers must pass two arguments:

- a pointer to a `NUL`-terminated character array (`char*`)
- an unsigned 32-bit `int` for precision (`5` for Google Polylines, `6` for OSRM and Valhalla Polylines)  

Returns an `Array` struct with two fields:
- `data`, a void pointer to a nested double-precision float array: e.g. `[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]]`
- `len`, an integer of type `size_t`, denoting the array length, e.g. `3`

Callers must then call `drop_float_array` to free the memory allocated by this function.

## `drop_float_array`
Free memory pointed to by `Array`, which Rust has allocated across the FFI boundary.  
Callers must pass the same `Array` struct that was received from `decode_polyline_ffi`.

## `encode_coordinates_ffi`
Convert coordinates into a Polyline.  
Callers must pass a struct, with two members:
- `data`, a void pointer to a nested double-precision float array: e.g. `[[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]]`
- `len`, the array length, e.g. `3`

Returns a pointer to a C character array (`char*`).  
Callers must then call `drop_cstring` to free the memory allocated by this function.

## `drop_cstring`
Free memory pointed to by `char*`, which Rust has allocated across the FFI boundary.  
Callers must pass the same `char*` they receive from `encode_coordinates_ffi`.

# Binaries
Compressed binaries are available for Linux (64-bit), OSX (64-bit), and Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), from the [releases](https://github.com/urschrei/polyline-ffi/releases) page.  
The Linux binary has been built using the manylinux1 (CentOS 5.11) Docker image, and is widely compatible.  
Both Linux and OSX binaries have been built with `rpath` support.

# License