polylabel 1.0.2

A Rust implementation of the Polylabel algorithm
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -225,21 +225,26 @@ pub fn polylabel<T>(polygon: &Polygon<T>, tolerance: &T) -> Point<T>
     while !cell_queue.is_empty() {
         let cell = cell_queue.pop().unwrap();
         // Update the best cell if we find a cell with greater distance
+        println!("Popped cell with max distance: {:?}", (cell.max_distance, cell.x, cell.y));
         if cell.distance > best_cell.distance {
+            println!("Found greater distance: {:?}", (cell.distance, best_cell.distance));
             best_cell.x = cell.x;
             best_cell.y = cell.y;
             best_cell.h = cell.h;
             best_cell.distance = cell.distance;
             best_cell.max_distance = cell.max_distance;
+            println!("New best coords: {:?}", (best_cell.x, best_cell.y));
         // Bail out of this iteration if we can't find a better solution
         if cell.max_distance - best_cell.distance <= *tolerance {
         // Otherwise, add a new quadtree node and start again
+        println!("Splitting");
         h = cell.h / two;
         add_quad(&mut cell_queue, &cell, &h, polygon);
+    println!("Queue empty");
     // We've exhausted the queue, so return the best solution we've found
     Point::new(best_cell.x, best_cell.y)