polkadot-dispute-distribution 11.0.0

Polkadot Dispute Distribution subsystem, which ensures all concerned validators are aware of a dispute and have the relevant votes. (polkadot v1.10.0)
name = "polkadot-dispute-distribution"
version = "11.0.0"
description = "Polkadot Dispute Distribution subsystem, which ensures all concerned validators are aware of a dispute and have the relevant votes. (polkadot v1.10.0)"
authors.workspace = true
edition.workspace = true
license.workspace = true

workspace = true

futures = "0.3.30"
futures-timer = "3.0.2"
gum = { package = "tracing-gum", path = "../../gum", version = "11.0.0" }
derive_more = "0.99.17"
parity-scale-codec = { version = "3.6.1", features = ["std"] }
polkadot-primitives = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../../../primitives" }
polkadot-erasure-coding = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../../../erasure-coding" }
polkadot-node-subsystem = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../../subsystem" }
polkadot-node-network-protocol = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../protocol" }
polkadot-node-subsystem-util = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../../subsystem-util" }
polkadot-node-primitives = { version = "11.0.0", path = "../../primitives" }
sc-network = { version = "0.38.0", path = "../../../../substrate/client/network" }
sp-application-crypto = { version = "34.0.0", path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/application-crypto" }
sp-keystore = { version = "0.38.0", path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/keystore" }
thiserror = { workspace = true }
fatality = "0.0.6"
schnellru = "0.2.1"
indexmap = "2.0.0"

async-channel = "1.8.0"
async-trait = "0.1.79"
polkadot-node-subsystem-test-helpers = { path = "../../subsystem-test-helpers" }
sp-keyring = { path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/keyring" }
sp-tracing = { path = "../../../../substrate/primitives/tracing" }
sc-keystore = { path = "../../../../substrate/client/keystore" }
futures-timer = "3.0.2"
assert_matches = "1.4.0"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
polkadot-primitives-test-helpers = { path = "../../../primitives/test-helpers" }