polipo 0.1.8

🐙 Minimal, elegant, fast, async Kraken exchange API client | Written in Rust
//! ![polipo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xonoxitron/polipo/master/polipo-logo.png)
//! 🐙 Minimal, elegant, fast, async Kraken exchange API client | Written in Rust
//! # Description:
//! **```polipo```** library aims to interface your software with the [Kraken exchange API](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000080686-API) in no time.
//! # Prerequisites
//! The [Kraken exchange API](https://kraken.com) allows interaction with both **```public```** and **```private```** data.
//! Only for the **private** one, you need to issue an **```API-Key```** and an **```API-Secret```** to the **```polipo```** library, in order to [generate authentication strings](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022635592-Generate-authentication-strings-REST-API-) for signed requests.
//! If you are not familiar with, please have a look at [API documentation](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001806372) for a general overview, or at [Generate API keys](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022839451-Generate-API-keys) document.
//! # Implementation
//! Add this to your **```Cargo.toml```**:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! polipo = {version = 0.1.8}
//! ```
//! and then add this to your **```code```**:
//! ```rust
//! use polipo;
//! ```
//! # Methods
//! ```rust
//! polipo::print_crate_info();
//! ```
//! **Description**: prints **```crate```** information (name, description, version,author and repository).
//! ```rust
//! polipo::set_kraken_api_credentials(api_key: String, api_secret: String);
//! ```
//! **Description**: sets **```Kraken API```** credentials for **```private```** data access.
//! **Required**:
//! * *api_key*: ```String```
//! * *api_secret*: ```String```
//! ```rust
//! polipo::get_kraken_api_response(method: String, url_encoded_body: String).await;
//! ```
//! **Description**: performs **```public```** or **```private```** requests, according to issued **```method```** and **```url_encoded_body```** data.
//! **Required**:
//! * *method*: ```String``` (eg: *"public"* or *"private"*)
//! * *url_encoded_body*: ```String``` (eg: *"pair=ethusd&since=1574067140000000000"*)
//! **Output**: any response is in stringified **```JSON```** format (parse accordingly with the outcome shape).
//! # Example
//! The example below shows how easy is to implement **```polipo```** from zero knowledge.
//! ```rust
//! use polipo;
//! async fn query(method: &str, url_encoded_body: &str) -> String {
//!     polipo::get_kraken_api_response(method.to_string(), url_encoded_body.to_string()).await
//! }
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//!     // printing crate information
//!     polipo::print_crate_info();
//!     // performing some queries on public data
//!     println!("public/Assets: {}", query("Assets", "").await);
//!     println!("public/Ticker: {}", query("Ticker", "pair=xdgeur").await);
//!     // issuing credentials enables private data requests
//!     polipo::set_kraken_api_credentials(
//!         "YOUR_KRAKEN_API_KEY_HERE".to_string(),
//!         "YOUR_KRAKEN_API_SECRET".to_string(),
//!     );
//!     // performing some queries on private data
//!     println!("private/Balance: {}", query("Balance", "").await);
//!     println!("private/TradeBalance: {}", query("TradeBalance","asset=ada").await);
//!     println!("private/Trades: {}", query("Trades", "pair=ethusd&since=1574067140000000000").await);
//! }
//! ```
//! # Disclaimer
//! This software comes without any kind of warranties.
//! I will not be liable for any damages related to the use or the misuse of this software.
//! You are the sole responsible.

mod client;
mod config;
mod info;
mod utils;

pub fn print_crate_info() {
    println!("-- CRATE INFO --\r\n{}", info::get_crate_info());

pub fn set_kraken_api_credentials(api_key: String, api_secret: String) {

pub async fn get_kraken_api_response(api_method: String, url_encoded_body: String) -> String {
    match client::api_request(&api_method, &url_encoded_body).await {
        Ok(result) => result,
        Err(error) => error.to_string(),