polar-prost 0.1.0

Protobuf bindings to interact with Polar watches
syntax = "proto2";
package data;
import "types.proto";

message PbStravaSegmentPort {
	required types.PbLocation left_location = 1 ;
	required types.PbLocation right_location = 2 ;

message PbRoutePoint {
	required sint32 x_offset = 1 ;
	required sint32 y_offset = 2 ;
	optional uint32 time_offset = 3 ;
	optional sint32 z_offset = 4 ;

message PbPlannedRoute {
	required types.PbRouteId route_id = 1 ;
	required types.PbOneLineText name = 2 ;
	optional float length = 3 ;
	optional types.PbLocation start_location = 4 ;
	optional float start_altitude = 5 ;
	repeated data.PbRoutePoint point = 6 ;
	optional data.PbStravaSegmentPort segment_start_port = 7 ;
	optional data.PbStravaSegmentPort segment_end_port = 8 ;