polar-core 0.23.0

Polar core library for oso, an open source policy engine for authorization that’s embedded in your application

use super::error::ParseError;
use super::terms::Symbol;
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::str::{CharIndices, FromStr};

pub type SrcPos = (usize, usize);

// Take a location in a string and return the row and column.
pub fn loc_to_pos(src: &str, loc: usize) -> SrcPos {
    let mut row = 0;
    let mut col = 0;
    let mut chars = src.chars();
    for _ in 0..loc {
        let c = chars.next();
        match c {
            Some('\n') => {
                row += 1;
                col = 0;
            Some(_) => col += 1,
            None => panic!("loc is longer than the string."),
    (row, col)

pub struct Lexer<'input> {
    c: Option<(usize, char)>,
    chars: Peekable<CharIndices<'input>>,
    buf: String,

impl<'input> Lexer<'input> {
    pub fn new(input: &'input str) -> Self {
        let mut chars = input.char_indices().peekable();
        let c = chars.next();
        let buf = String::new();
        Lexer { c, chars, buf }

pub type Spanned<Tok, Loc, Error> = Result<(Loc, Tok, Loc), Error>;

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Token {
    Colon,     // :
    Comma,     // ,
    LB,        // [
    RB,        // ]
    LP,        // (
    RP,        // )
    LCB,       // {
    RCB,       // }
    Dot,       // .
    New,       // new
    Bang,      // !
    Mul,       // *
    Div,       // /
    Mod,       // mod
    Rem,       // rem
    Add,       // +
    Sub,       // -
    Eq,        // ==
    Neq,       // !=
    Leq,       // <=
    Geq,       // >=
    Lt,        // <
    Gt,        // >
    Unify,     // =
    Assign,    // :=
    Pipe,      // |
    SemiColon, // ;
    Query,     // ?=
    In,        // in
    Cut,       // cut
    Debug,     // debug()
    Print,     // print()
    Isa,       // isa
    ForAll,    // forall
    If,        // if
    And,       // and
    Or,        // or
    Not,       // not
    Matches,   // matches
    Type,      // type

impl ToString for Token {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
        match self {
            Token::Integer(i) => i.to_string(),
            Token::Float(f) => f.to_string(),
            Token::String(s) => s.clone(),
            Token::Boolean(b) => b.to_string(),
            Token::Symbol(sym) => sym.0.clone(),
            Token::Colon => ":".to_owned(),         // :
            Token::Comma => ",".to_owned(),         // ,
            Token::LB => "[".to_owned(),            // [
            Token::RB => "]".to_owned(),            // ]
            Token::LP => "(".to_owned(),            // (
            Token::RP => ")".to_owned(),            // )
            Token::LCB => "{".to_owned(),           // {
            Token::RCB => "}".to_owned(),           // }
            Token::Dot => ".".to_owned(),           // .
            Token::New => "new".to_owned(),         // new
            Token::Bang => "!".to_owned(),          // !
            Token::Mul => "*".to_owned(),           // *
            Token::Div => "/".to_owned(),           // /
            Token::Mod => "mod".to_owned(),         // mod
            Token::Rem => "rem".to_owned(),         // rem
            Token::Add => "+".to_owned(),           // +
            Token::Sub => "-".to_owned(),           // -
            Token::Eq => "==".to_owned(),           // ==
            Token::Neq => "!=".to_owned(),          // !=
            Token::Leq => "<=".to_owned(),          // <=
            Token::Geq => ">=".to_owned(),          // >=
            Token::Lt => "<".to_owned(),            // <
            Token::Gt => ">".to_owned(),            // >
            Token::Unify => "=".to_owned(),         // =
            Token::Assign => ":=".to_owned(),       // :=
            Token::Pipe => "|".to_owned(),          // |
            Token::SemiColon => ";".to_owned(),     // ;
            Token::Query => "?=".to_owned(),        // ?=
            Token::In => "in".to_owned(),           // in
            Token::Cut => "cut".to_owned(),         // cut
            Token::Debug => "debug".to_owned(),     // debug
            Token::Print => "print".to_owned(),     // print
            Token::Isa => "isa".to_owned(),         // isa
            Token::ForAll => "forall".to_owned(),   // forall
            Token::If => "if".to_owned(),           // if
            Token::And => "and".to_owned(),         // and
            Token::Or => "or".to_owned(),           // or
            Token::Not => "not".to_owned(),         // not
            Token::Matches => "matches".to_owned(), // matches
            Token::Type => "type".to_owned(),       // type

impl<'input> Lexer<'input> {
    fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) {
        loop {
            match self.c {
                Some((_, ' ')) | Some((_, '\n')) | Some((_, '\r')) | Some((_, '\t')) => {
                    self.c = self.chars.next();
                Some((_, '#')) => {
                    self.c = self.chars.next();
                    loop {
                        match self.c {
                            None | Some((_, '\r')) | Some((_, '\n')) => {
                            _ => {
                                self.c = self.chars.next();
                _ => break,

    fn scan_symbol(&mut self, i: usize, chr: char) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        let start = i;
        let mut last = i;
        self.c = self.chars.next();

        while let Some((i, char)) = self.c {
            match char {
                x if x == '_' || (!x.is_ascii_punctuation() && !x.is_ascii_whitespace()) => {
                    last = i;
                    self.c = self.chars.next();
                ':' => {
                    if let Some((i, ':')) = self.chars.peek() {
                        last = *i;
                        self.c = self.chars.next();
                    } else {
                '?' => {
                    last = i;
                    self.c = self.chars.next();
                    break; // ? is only valid as the last char in a symbol.
                _ => break,
        if let Some((i, _)) = &self.buf.char_indices().rev().nth(1) {
            if &self.buf[*i..] == "::" {
                return Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                    token: self.buf.clone(),
                    c: ':',
                    loc: last,

        let token = match self.buf.as_ref() {
            "true" => Token::Boolean(true),
            "false" => Token::Boolean(false),
            "inf" => Token::Float(f64::INFINITY),
            "nan" => Token::Float(f64::NAN),
            "new" => Token::New,
            "in" => Token::In,
            "cut" => Token::Cut,
            "debug" => Token::Debug,
            "print" => Token::Print,
            "isa" => Token::Isa,
            "forall" => Token::ForAll,
            "if" => Token::If,
            "and" => Token::And,
            "or" => Token::Or,
            "not" => Token::Not,
            "matches" => Token::Matches,
            "type" => Token::Type,
            "mod" => Token::Mod,
            "rem" => Token::Rem,
            _ => Token::Symbol(Symbol::new(&self.buf)),
        Some(Ok((start, token, last + 1)))

    fn scan_string(&mut self, i: usize) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        let start = i;
        let last;
        self.c = self.chars.next();
        loop {
            if let Some((i, char)) = self.c {
                match char {
                    '\n' => {
                        return Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                            token: self.buf.clone(),
                            c: char,
                            loc: i,
                    '"' => {
                        self.c = self.chars.next();
                        last = i;
                    '\\' => {
                        self.c = self.chars.next();
                        if let Some((_, char)) = self.c {
                            let escaped_char = match char {
                                'n' => '\n',
                                'r' => '\r',
                                't' => '\t',
                                '0' => '\0',
                                c => c,
                        } else {
                            return Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                                token: self.buf.clone(),
                                c: '\0',
                                loc: i,
                        self.c = self.chars.next();
                    _ => {
                        self.c = self.chars.next();
            } else {
                return Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                    token: self.buf.clone(),
                    c: '\0',
                    loc: i,
        Some(Ok((start, Token::String(self.buf.clone()), last + 1)))

    fn push_char(&mut self, c: char) {
        self.c = self.chars.next();

    fn match_digits(&mut self, mut last: usize) -> usize {
        while let Some((i, char)) = self.c {
            match char {
                '0'..='9' => {
                    last = i;
                _ => break,

    fn scan_number(&mut self, i: usize, chr: char) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        let start = i;
        let mut last = i;
        self.c = self.chars.next();
        let mut parse_as_float = false;

        last = self.match_digits(last);

        if let Some((i, '.')) = self.c {
            last = i;
            parse_as_float = true;

            last = self.match_digits(last);

        if let Some((i, char)) = self.c {
            match char {
                'e' | 'E' => {
                    last = i;
                    parse_as_float = true;

                    last = self.match_digits(last);

                    if let Some((i, char)) = self.c {
                        match char {
                            '+' | '-' => {
                                last = i;
                            _ => (),

                    last = self.match_digits(last);
                _ => (),

        if parse_as_float {
            if let Ok(f) = f64::from_str(&self.buf) {
                Some(Ok((start, Token::Float(f), last + 1)))
            } else {
                Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidFloat {
                    token: self.buf.clone(),
                    loc: start,
        } else if let Ok(int) = i64::from_str(&self.buf) {
            Some(Ok((start, Token::Integer(int), last + 1)))
        } else {
            Some(Err(ParseError::IntegerOverflow {
                token: self.buf.clone(),
                loc: start,

    /// Scan a one character operator to token.
    fn scan_1c_op(&mut self, i: usize, token: Token) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        self.c = self.chars.next();
        Some(Ok((i, token, i + 1)))

    /// Scan a two character operator to token.
    fn scan_2c_op(
        &mut self,
        i: usize,
        next_char: char,
        token: Token,
    ) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        let start = i;
        self.c = self.chars.next();
        match self.c {
            Some((_, chr)) if chr == next_char => {
                self.c = self.chars.next();
                Some(Ok((start, token, start + 2)))
            Some((i, chr)) => Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                token: token.to_string(),
                c: chr,
                loc: i,
            _ => Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                token: token.to_string(),
                c: '\0',
                loc: start + 1,

    /// Scan an operator to token unless next_char is the next char in which case scan to next_token.
    fn scan_1c_or_2c_op(
        &mut self,
        i: usize,
        token: Token,
        next_char: char,
        next_token: Token,
    ) -> Option<Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>> {
        let start = i;
        self.c = self.chars.next();
        match self.c {
            Some((_, chr)) if chr == next_char => {
                self.c = self.chars.next();
                Some(Ok((start, next_token, start + 2)))
            _ => Some(Ok((start, token, start + 1))),

impl<'input> Iterator for Lexer<'input> {
    type Item = Spanned<Token, usize, ParseError>; // @TODO: Error, not String

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.c {
            None => None,
            Some((i, char)) => match char {
                x if x == '_' || (!x.is_ascii_punctuation() && !x.is_ascii_digit()) => {
                    self.scan_symbol(i, char)
                '"' => self.scan_string(i),
                '0'..='9' => self.scan_number(i, char),
                ':' => self.scan_1c_or_2c_op(i, Token::Colon, '=', Token::Assign),
                '=' => self.scan_1c_or_2c_op(i, Token::Unify, '=', Token::Eq),
                '<' => self.scan_1c_or_2c_op(i, Token::Lt, '=', Token::Leq),
                '>' => self.scan_1c_or_2c_op(i, Token::Gt, '=', Token::Geq),
                '!' => self.scan_1c_or_2c_op(i, Token::Bang, '=', Token::Neq),
                '?' => self.scan_2c_op(i, '=', Token::Query),
                '|' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Pipe),
                ',' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Comma),
                '[' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::LB),
                ']' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::RB),
                '{' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::LCB),
                '}' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::RCB),
                '(' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::LP),
                ')' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::RP),
                '.' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Dot),
                '+' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Add),
                '-' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Sub),
                '*' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Mul),
                '/' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::Div),
                ';' => self.scan_1c_op(i, Token::SemiColon),
                _ => Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                    token: "".to_owned(),
                    c: char,
                    loc: i,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    fn test_loc_to_pos() {
        let src = "hello\nworld\r\nsomething";
        assert_eq!(loc_to_pos(src, 4), (0, 4));
        assert_eq!(loc_to_pos(src, 6), (1, 0));
        assert_eq!(loc_to_pos(src, 13), (2, 0));
        assert_eq!(loc_to_pos(src, 18), (2, 5));

    fn lex_infinite_loop_bugs() {
        let f = " 123";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
            Some(Ok((_, Token::Integer(123), _)))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), None));
        let s = "123 #comment";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            Some(Ok((_, Token::Integer(123), _)))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), None));

    fn test_line_endings() {
        let f = "foo\nbar\rbaz\r\n#comment\n#windowscomment\r\n123";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Symbol(_), _)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Symbol(_), _)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Symbol(_), _)))));
            Some(Ok((_, Token::Integer(123), _)))

    fn test_escapes() {
        let s = r#"
            "this is a \"sub\" string"
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
        let tok = lexer.next();
            matches!(tok, Some(Ok((_, Token::String(s), _))) if &s == r#"this is a "sub" string"#)

    fn test_emoji() {
        let s = r#"
            "💯" 💯
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((13, Token::String(hunnid), 19))) if hunnid == "💯")
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((20, Token::Symbol(hunnid), 21))) if hunnid == Symbol::new("💯"))

    fn test_symbol_with_trailing_question_mark() {
        let s = "foo?";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Symbol(question), 4))) if question == Symbol::new("foo?"))

        let s = "foo??";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                token: t,
                c: '\u{0}',
                loc: 5,
            })) if &t == "?="

    fn test_symbol_colons() {
        let s = "foo:bar";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Symbol(x), 3))) if x == Symbol::new("foo"))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((3, Token::Colon, 4)))));
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((4, Token::Symbol(x), 7))) if x == Symbol::new("bar"))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), None));

        let s = "foo::bar";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Symbol(x), 8))) if x == Symbol::new("foo::bar"))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), None));

        let s = "foo:::bar";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                token: x,
                c: ':',
                loc: 4,
            })) if &x == "foo::"

    fn test_symbol_question_marks() {
        let s = "foo??";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(s);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Symbol(x), 4))) if x == Symbol::new("foo?"))
            Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidTokenCharacter {
                token: x,
                c: '\u{0}',
                loc: 5,
            })) if &x == "?="

    fn test_lexer() {
        let f = r#"hello "world" 12345 < + <= { ] =99 #comment
            more; in; Ruby::Namespace"#;
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Symbol(hello), 5))) if hello == Symbol::new("hello"))
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((6, Token::String(world), 13))) if &world == "world")
            Some(Ok((14, Token::Integer(12345), 19)))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((20, Token::Lt, 21)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((22, Token::Add, 23)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((24, Token::Leq, 26)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((27, Token::LCB, 28)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((29, Token::RB, 30)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((31, Token::Unify, 32)))));
            Some(Ok((32, Token::Integer(99), 34)))
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((56, Token::Symbol(more), 60))) if more == Symbol::new("more"))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((60, Token::SemiColon, 61)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((62, Token::In, 64)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((64, Token::SemiColon, 65)))));
            matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((66, Token::Symbol(ruby_namespace), 81))) if ruby_namespace == Symbol::new("Ruby::Namespace"))
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), None));

    fn test_numbers() {
        let f = "1+2";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((0, Token::Integer(1), 1)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((1, Token::Add, 2)))));
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((2, Token::Integer(2), 3)))));

        let f = "0123";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
            Some(Ok((0, Token::Integer(123), 4)))

        let f = "1.ee1";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
            Some(Err(ParseError::InvalidFloat { .. }))

        let f = "1.1";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Float(f), _))) if f == 1.1));

        let f = "1e1";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Float(f), _))) if f == 1e1));

        let f = "1e-1";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Float(f), _))) if f == 1e-1));

        let f = "1.1e-1";
        let mut lexer = Lexer::new(f);
        assert!(matches!(lexer.next(), Some(Ok((_, Token::Float(f), _))) if f == 1.1e-1));