Macro poker::card[][src]

macro_rules! card {
    ($rank:ident, $suit:ident) => { ... };
    ($rank:ident of $suit:ident) => { ... };
    ($card_string:expr) => { ... };

A utility macro for creating a single card.


Use card! with a capitalized rank and suit in order to get a const-friendly card. The capitalization is because the names fill in as enum variant names for Rank and Suit

use poker::{card, Card, Rank, Suit};
const ACE_OF_SPADES: Card = card!(Ace, Spades);
assert_eq!(ACE_OF_SPADES, Card::new(Rank::Ace, Suit::Spades));

Alternatively, you can separate the rank and suit with of for more readability.

use poker::{card, Card, Rank, Suit};
const ACE_OF_SPADES: Card = card!(Ace of Spades);
assert_eq!(ACE_OF_SPADES, Card::new(Rank::Ace, Suit::Spades));

Finally, you can pass in a string expression, which will result in a call to parse(). This, then, results in a Result and will fail if the rank is not one of “23456789TJQKA” and the suit is not one of “chsd”. This is case-sensitive!

use poker::{card, Card, Rank, Suit};
let ace_of_spades = card!("As").expect("couldn't parse card");
assert_eq!(ace_of_spades, Card::new(Rank::Ace, Suit::Spades));