[][src]Module poisson2d::algorithm

Module that contains traits that describe Poisson disk sampling generating algorithms.



Generates approximately uniform non-maximal Poisson disk samplings with O(n) time and O(n) space complexity relative to the number of samples generated. Based on Bridson, Robert. "Fast Poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions." SIGGRAPH Sketches. 2007.


Generates uniform maximal Poisson disk samplings with O(n2d) time and O(n2d) space complexity relative to the number of samples generated and the dimensionality of the sampling volume. Based on Ebeida, Mohamed S., et al. "A Simple Algorithm for Maximal Poisson‐Disk Sampling in High Dimensions." Computer Graphics Forum. Vol. 31. No. 2pt4. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2012.



Trait that describes a Poisson disk sampling generating algorithm.


Constructs new instance of the algorithm.