point_process 0.5.0

A crate for simulating random point processes.

Point processes in Rust

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Point processes are stochastic processes with a wide range of applications in seismology, epidemiology, or financial mathematics. They are utilized to model the arrival of random events as a function of time.


This crate provides functions to simulate point processes in Rust.

Time-dependent processes

The following time-dependent point processes have been implemented within the timedependent module:

  • Poisson point process (homogeneous and inhomogeneous, with custom function)
  • Hawkes processes, with an exponential kernel (refer to Dassios and Zhao's 2013 paper (1)) hawkesexp

The API returns the process trajectories as a vector of a struct named Events, which has the following fields: a timestamp, the current process intensity and a vector holding any children events (for processes with this property, coming soon).

n-dimensional processes


The generalized module provides functions for higher-dimensional processes, using ndarray.

For now, only Poisson processes have been implemented.

fn poisson_process(lambda: f64, domain: &T)
where T: Set -> ndarray::Array<f64, Ix2> {

fn variable_poisson<F, T>(lambda: F,max_lambda: f64,domain: &T) -> Array2<f64>
where F: Fn(&Array1<f64>) -> f64,
      T: Set

which takes a reference to a domain, that is a subset of n-dimensional space implemented with the Set trait (see API docs), and returns a 2-dimensional array which is a set of point events in d-dimensional space falling into the domain.


Some examples require a yet unpublished version of milliams' plotlib graphing library. To build them, you'll need to checkout plotlib locally:

git clone https://github.com/milliams/plotlib
cargo build --example 2d_poisson

To run the examples, do for instance

cargo run --example variable_poisson

Some will produce SVG image files in the examples directory.

The examples show how to use the API.