poem 1.3.52

Poem is a full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
use std::str::FromStr;

use http::{uri::PathAndQuery, Uri};
use regex::Regex;

use crate::{Endpoint, Middleware, Request, Result};

/// Determines the behavior of the [`NormalizePath`] middleware.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum TrailingSlash {
    /// Trim trailing slashes from the end of the path.

    /// Only merge any present multiple trailing slashes.

    /// Always add a trailing slash to the end of the path.

impl Default for TrailingSlash {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Middleware for normalizing a request's path so that routes can be matched
/// more flexibly.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use poem::{
///     get, handler,
///     http::{StatusCode, Uri},
///     middleware::{NormalizePath, TrailingSlash},
///     test::TestClient,
///     Endpoint, EndpointExt, Request, Route,
/// };
/// #[handler]
/// fn index() -> &'static str {
///     "hello"
/// }
/// let app = Route::new()
///     .at("/foo/bar", get(index))
///     .with(NormalizePath::new(TrailingSlash::Trim));
/// let cli = TestClient::new(app);
/// # tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(async {
/// let resp = cli.get("/foo/bar/").send().await;
/// resp.assert_status_is_ok();
/// resp.assert_text("hello").await;
/// # });
/// ```
pub struct NormalizePath(TrailingSlash);

impl NormalizePath {
    /// Create new `NormalizePath` middleware with the specified trailing slash
    /// style.
    pub fn new(style: TrailingSlash) -> Self {

impl<E: Endpoint> Middleware<E> for NormalizePath {
    type Output = NormalizePathEndpoint<E>;

    fn transform(&self, ep: E) -> Self::Output {
        NormalizePathEndpoint {
            inner: ep,
            merge_slash: Regex::new("//+").unwrap(),
            style: self.0,

/// Endpoint for NormalizePath middleware.
pub struct NormalizePathEndpoint<E> {
    inner: E,
    merge_slash: Regex,
    style: TrailingSlash,

impl<E: Endpoint> Endpoint for NormalizePathEndpoint<E> {
    type Output = E::Output;

    async fn call(&self, mut req: Request) -> Result<Self::Output> {
        let original_path = req
            .map(|x| x.path())

        if !original_path.is_empty() {
            let path = match self.style {
                TrailingSlash::Always => format!("{}/", original_path),
                TrailingSlash::MergeOnly => original_path.to_string(),
                TrailingSlash::Trim => original_path.trim_end_matches('/').to_string(),

            let path = self.merge_slash.replace_all(&path, "/");
            let path = if path.is_empty() { "/" } else { path.as_ref() };

            if path != original_path {
                let (mut parts, body) = req.into_parts();
                let mut uri_parts = parts.uri.into_parts();
                let query = uri_parts.path_and_query.as_ref().and_then(|pq| pq.query());
                let path = match query {
                    Some(query) => format!("{}?{}", path, query),
                    None => path.to_string(),
                uri_parts.path_and_query = Some(PathAndQuery::from_str(&path).unwrap());

                let new_uri = Uri::from_parts(uri_parts).unwrap();
                parts.uri = new_uri;

                req = Request::from_parts(parts, body);


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{endpoint::make_sync, http::StatusCode, test::TestClient, EndpointExt, Route};

    async fn trim_trailing_slashes() {
        let ep = Route::new()
            .at("/", make_sync(|_| ()))
            .at("/v1/something", make_sync(|_| ()))
                make_sync(|req| {
                        req.uri().path_and_query().as_ref().and_then(|q| q.query()),
        let cli = TestClient::new(ep);

        let test_uris = [

        for uri in test_uris {
            let resp = cli.get(uri).send().await;
            assert!(resp.0.status().is_success(), "Failed uri: {}", uri);

    async fn trim_root_trailing_slashes_with_query() {
        let ep = Route::new()
                make_sync(|req| {
                        req.uri().path_and_query().as_ref().and_then(|q| q.query()),
        let cli = TestClient::new(ep);
        let test_uris = ["/?query=test", "//?query=test", "///?query=test"];

        for uri in test_uris {
            let resp = cli.get(uri).send().await;
            assert!(resp.0.status().is_success(), "Failed uri: {}", uri);

    async fn ensure_trailing_slash() {
        let ep = Route::new()
            .at("/", make_sync(|_| ()))
            .at("/v1/something/", make_sync(|_| ()))
                make_sync(|req| {
                        req.uri().path_and_query().as_ref().and_then(|q| q.query()),
        let cli = TestClient::new(ep);

        let test_uris = [

        for uri in test_uris {
            let resp = cli.get(uri).send().await;
            assert!(resp.0.status().is_success(), "Failed uri: {}", uri);

    async fn ensure_root_trailing_slash_with_query() {
        let ep = Route::new()
                make_sync(|req| {
                        req.uri().path_and_query().as_ref().and_then(|q| q.query()),
        let cli = TestClient::new(ep);

        let test_uris = ["/?query=test", "//?query=test", "///?query=test"];

        for uri in test_uris {
            let resp = cli.get(uri).send().await;
            assert!(resp.0.status().is_success(), "Failed uri: {}", uri);

    async fn keep_trailing_slash_unchanged() {
        let ep = Route::new()
            .at("/", make_sync(|_| ()))
            .at("/v1/something", make_sync(|_| ()))
            .at("/v1/", make_sync(|_| ()))
                make_sync(|req| {
                        req.uri().path_and_query().as_ref().and_then(|q| q.query()),
        let cli = TestClient::new(ep);

        let test_uris = [
            ("/", true), // root paths should still work
            ("/?query=test", true),
            ("///", true),
            ("/v1/something////", false),
            ("/v1/something/", false),
            ("//v1//something", true),
            ("/v1/", true),
            ("/v1", false),
            ("/v1////", true),
            ("//v1//", true),
            ("///v1", false),
            ("/v2/something?query=test", true),
            ("/v2/something/?query=test", false),
            ("/v2/something//?query=test", false),
            ("//v2//something?query=test", true),

        for (uri, success) in test_uris {
            let resp = cli.get(uri).send().await;

            if success {
                assert_eq!(resp.0.status(), StatusCode::OK, "Failed uri: {}", uri);
            } else {
                    "Failed uri: {}",