
Module poem::i18n

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This is supported on crate feature i18n only.
Expand description

Internationalization related types.

Load resources from file system

use poem::i18n::I18NResources;

let resources = I18NResources::builder()

Load resources from string

use poem::i18n::I18NResources;

let en_us = r#"
hello-world = Hello world!
welcome = Welcome { $name }!

let zh_cn = r#"
hello-world = 你好!
welcome = 欢迎 { $name }!

let resources = I18NResources::builder()
    .add_ftl("en-US", en_us)
    .add_ftl("zh-CN", zh_cn)


use poem::i18n::I18NResources;
use unic_langid::{langid, langids};

let resources = I18NResources::builder()

let bundle = resources.negotiate_languages(&langids!("zh-CN", "en-US", "fr"));

// get text
let hello_world = bundle.text("hello-world").unwrap();

// get text with arguments
let welcome = bundle
    .text_with_args("welcome", (("name", "sunli"),))

Use extractor

See also: crate::i18n::Locale


pub use unic_langid;


Parameters for formatting the message.

A collection of localization messages.

A resource for translating natural language.

I18N resources builder.

An extractor that parses the Accept-Language header and negotiates language bundles.
