pocket-relay 0.3.3

Pocket Relay Server

edition = "2021"

license = "MIT"

authors = ["Jacobtread <jacobtread@gmail.com>"]

repository = "https://github.com/PocketRelay/ServerRust"


members = [".", "database"]


# Serde for serialization mostly in the HTTP server but also

# used elsewhere to do define custom serialization

serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }

# Logging facade

log = "0.4"


version = "0.4"

default-features = false

features = ["std", "serde"]


name = "pocket-relay"

version = "0.3.3"

description = "Pocket Relay Server"

repository = "https://github.com/PocketRelay/Server"

readme = "README.md"

keywords = ["EA", "PocketRelay", "MassEffect"]

# Glob to ensure resources is included 

include = ["src/**/*"]

edition.workspace = true

license.workspace = true

authors.workspace = true


default = ["database-sqlite"]

database-sqlite = ["database/sqlite"]

database-mysql = ["database/mysql"]


log = { workspace = true }

serde = { workspace = true }

# Blaze packet system 

blaze-pk = "1"

# Blaze SSLv3 async TCPStream implementation

blaze-ssl-async = "^0.3"

# Isolated database crate

database = { path = "database", package = "pocket-relay-database", version = "^0.3" }

# Resource embedding using debug-embed to always resolve relative to the Cargo.toml file

rust-embed = { version = "6.4.2", features = ["debug-embed"] }

# Password hashing

argon2 = "0.5"

base64ct = { version = "1.5", features = ["alloc"] }

flate2 = { version = "1", features = ["zlib"], default-features = false }

ring = "0.16"

# .env file loader

dotenvy = "0.15"

# Library for obtaining the local IP address of the device

local-ip-address = "0.5"

thiserror = "1"

validator = { version = "0.16", features = ["derive"] }

interlink = "0.1"

tokio-util = { version = "0.7", features = ["codec"] }

futures = "0.3"

# Tokio async runtime


version = "1"

features = [









# Axum web framework


version = "0.6.1"

default-features = false

features = ["http1", "json", "query", "tokio"]

# HTTP Client


version = "0.11.12"

default-features = false

features = ["json", "rustls-tls"]

# Logging provider 


version = "1.2.0"

default-features = false

features = ["console_appender", "file_appender"]


local-ip-address = { git = "https://github.com/jacobtread/local-ip-address.git" }


strip = true

lto = true

# The profile that 'cargo dist' will build with


inherits = "release"

lto = "thin"