pmtiles 0.1.0

Implementation of the PMTiles v3 spec with multiple sync and async backends.

PMTiles (for Rust) GitHub branch checks state

This crate implements the PMTiles v3 spec, originally created by Brandon Liu for Protomaps.

THIS CRATE IS NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE! However, you might be able to use it for a demo project.


  • Opening and validating PMTile archives
  • Querying tiles
  • Backends supported:
    • Async mmap (Tokio) for local files
    • Async http and https (Reqwuest + Tokio) for URLs

Plans & TODOs

  • Documentation and example code
  • Support writing and conversion to and from MBTiles + x/y/z
  • Support additional backends (sync mmap and http at least)
  • Support additional async styles (e.g., async-std)

PRs welcome!


This project is dual-licensed as MIT and Apache 2.0. You may select the license most appropriate for your project.

Test Data License

Some PMTile fixtures copied from official PMTiles repository.