pmcore 0.3.1

Rust library with the building blocks needed to create new Non-Parametric algorithms and its integration with Pmetrics.


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Rust library with the building blocks to create and implement new non-parametric algorithms for population pharmacokinetic modelling and their integration with Pmetrics.

Implemented functionality

  • Solver for ODE-based population pharmacokinetic models
  • Supports the Pmetrics data format for seamless integration
  • Covariate support, carry-forward or linear interpolation
  • Option to cache results for improved speed
  • Powerful simulation engine
  • Informative Terminal User Interface (TUI)

Available algoritms

This project aims to implement several algorithms for non-parametric population pharmacokinetic modelling.

In the future we also aim to support parametric algorithms, such as the Iterative 2-Stage Bayesian (IT2B)


There are two examples using NPAG implemented in this repository, bimodal_ke and two_eq_lag.

You may run them with the following command, e.g.

cargo run --example bimodal_ke --release

Look at the corresponding examples/.../*.toml-file to change the configuration for each run.


For more information on how to use this crate, please review the documentation