plutchik 0.2.0

A typification of Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions.

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A small type representation of Robert Plutchik's "Wheel of Emotions".

  • Use labeled Emotions (i.e. Emotion::Ecstasy, Emotion::Terror, etc).
  • Design custom emotions using the Wheel { radians: f32, weight: f32 } representation.
  • Find the difference between two emotions (the magnitude of the vector that separates them on the Wheel).
  • Find the mean emotion of multiple given emotions i.e.
assert!(Wheel::mean(&[Serenity, Acceptance, Joy, Trust]).closest_emotion() == Love);

Image of the Wheel of Emotions

For a demo, see the example.

You can add it to your project by adding this to your Cargo.toml:

plutchik = "*"