plugx-input 0.3.1

simple and flexible data-structure with diff, merge, and validation.

Plugx Input (work-in-progress)

A simple and flexible data-structure for configuration and state manipulation of plugins.

Package | Documentation | Repository


use plugx_input::Input;

let mut map = Input::new_map();
map.map_mut().insert("key".into(), Input::from([1, 2, 3]));
let inner_list = map
    .map_mut()       // &mut Hashmap<String, Input>
    .get_mut("key")  // Option<&mut Input>
    .unwrap()        // &mut Input (which is a list)
    .list_mut();     // &mut Vec<Input>
*inner_list.get_mut(0).unwrap() = 3.14.into();
*inner_list.get_mut(1).unwrap() = true.into();
*inner_list.get_mut(2).unwrap() = "hello world".into();
// prints:
// {"key": [3.14, true, "hello world"]}



use plugx_input::Input;
use plugx_input::diff::{diff, InputDiff};

let mut map = Input::new_map();                       // {}
map.map_mut().insert("foo".into(), Input::new_map()); // {"foo": {}}
map                                                   // {"foo": {"bar": [50, 60, 70]}}
    .insert("bar".into(), Input::from([50, 60, 70]));

let mut map2 = map.clone();                           // {"foo": {"bar": [50,  60, 70]}}
*map2                                                 // {"foo": {"bar": [100, 60, 70]}}
    .int_mut() = 100;

    &mut |diff: InputDiff| {
        println!("value {} {}", diff.position(), diff.action())
// prints:
//     value [foo][bar][0] increased by 50


use plugx_input::Input;
use plugx_input::merge::merge;

let mut map = Input::new_map();                       // {}
map.map_mut().insert("foo".into(), Input::new_map()); // {"foo": {}}
map                                                   // {"foo": {"bar": false}}
    .insert("bar".into(), false.into());

let mut map2 = Input::new_map();                       // {}
map2.map_mut().insert("foo".into(), Input::new_map()); // {"foo": {}}
map2                                                   // {"foo": {"baz": true}}
    .insert("baz".into(), true.into());

merge(&mut map, &map2);
// prints:
//     {"foo": {"bar": false, "baz": true}}

Cargo features

  • default: Nothing!
  • schema: Enables schema and validation Input.
  • logging: Enables logging via log crate.
  • tracing: Enables logging via tracing crate.

To contributors

I ❤️ PR from everyone, and I appreciate your help but before opening a PR, file an issue and describe your feature, fix, etc.