plow_linter 0.2.8

A linter to lint Plow ttl documents (interpreted as ontologies).
use crate::{
        lint_failure, lint_success, Lint, LintResult,
    Linter, MultiReaderRdfGraph,

use field33_rdftk_iri_temporary_fork::IRI as RDFTK_IRI;
use plow_ontology::constants::REGISTRY_AUTHOR;
use plow_package_management::metadata::get_root_prefix;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{any::Any, collections::HashSet};

const RELATED_FIELD: &str = "`registry:author`";
/// A sane character count for a persons name, it is a guess so might be updated later.
/// Ensures that a value for `registry:author` is specified as annotation on the ontology.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct HasRegistryAuthor;

impl Lint for HasRegistryAuthor {
    fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {
    fn short_description(&self) -> &str {
        "Check that the field is annotated with a value for `registry:author`"
    /// Lints for the existence of `registry:author` and its validity.
    /// Max character count is set to 50.
    fn run(
        Linter {
            graph: MultiReaderRdfGraph { inner: rdf_graph },
        }: &Linter,
    ) -> LintResult {
        let rdf_factory = field33_rdftk_core_temporary_fork::simple::statement::statement_factory();
        if let Some(root_prefix) = get_root_prefix(document) {
            let graph_ref = rdf_graph;
            let graph = graph_ref.borrow();
            // We explicitly pass valid data, unwrap is safe here.
            let annotations = graph
                .filter(|statement| {
                        == &rdf_factory
                        && statement.predicate()
                            == &RDFTK_IRI::from_str(REGISTRY_AUTHOR).unwrap().into()

            if let Some(failure) =
                catch_single_or_multiple_annotations_which_must_exist(&annotations, RELATED_FIELD)
                return failure;

            let lint_prefix = RELATED_FIELD.to_owned();

            let lint_results = annotations.iter().map(|annotation| {
                        || lint_failure!(format!("{lint_prefix} is not a literal.")),
                        |literal| {
                            if let Some(failure) = fail_if_contains_inappropriate_word(literal,&lint_prefix ) {
                                return failure;
                            let author_literal = literal.lexical_form();
                            let name_and_email_raw = author_literal.split('<').collect::<Vec<_>>();

                            name_and_email_raw.first().map_or_else(|| {
                                lint_failure!(format!("{lint_prefix} is not in its right form. Example of a right form: \"An Author's Name <>\"."))
                            }, |maybe_name| if maybe_name.ends_with(' ') {
                                    let trimmed_maybe_name = maybe_name.trim();
                                    if trimmed_maybe_name.contains('>') || trimmed_maybe_name.contains('<')
                                       return lint_failure!(format!("The name field in {lint_prefix} can not contain neither '<' nor '>' characters."));
                                    if trimmed_maybe_name.chars().count()
                                        > (AUTHOR_NAME_MAX_ALLOWED_CHAR_COUNT + 1)
                                        return lint_failure!(format!("The name field in {lint_prefix} allows a maximum of {AUTHOR_NAME_MAX_ALLOWED_CHAR_COUNT} characters."));
                                    name_and_email_raw.get(1).map_or_else(|| lint_failure!(format!("{lint_prefix} is not in its right form. Example of a right form: \"An Author's Name <>\".")), |maybe_email| {
                                        let maybe_email = maybe_email.split('>').collect::<Vec<_>>();
                                        // Means that the email field does not finish with `>`.
                                        if maybe_email.len() == 1 {
                                            return lint_failure!(format!("The email field in {lint_prefix} should finish with a '>' character."));
                                        maybe_email.first().map_or_else(|| lint_failure!(format!(
                                                "The email field in {lint_prefix} can not be parsed."
                                            )), |maybe_email| {
                                            let email_valid = email_address::EmailAddress::is_valid(maybe_email);
                                            if email_valid {
                                                lint_success!(format!("{lint_prefix} exists and is valid."))
                                            } else {
                                                    "The email field in {lint_prefix} is invalid."
                                } else {
                                    lint_failure!(format!("The name and email fields in {lint_prefix} is not separated with a white space character."))
            for result in lint_results {
                if let LintResult::Failure(messages) = result {
                    return lint_failure!(format!(
                        "Some {lint_prefix} annotations are invalid. More info: {}",
                        messages.join(", ")
            lint_success!(format!("All {lint_prefix} annotations are valid."))
        } else {