ploc-bvh 0.1.0

A Bounding Volume Hierarchy based on PLOC


A Bounding Volume Hierarchy based on PLOC. Inspired by a series of articles by Arsène Pérard-Gayot

Getting started

Creating and traversing the BVH is all done using Iterators.

In this example we create AABBs for a few boxes, and use their index as the key:

use ploc_bvh::prelude::*;
use bevy_math::Vec3;


let boxes: Vec<(Vec3, Vec3)> = generate_boxes();
let bvh = Bvh3d::new(
    boxes.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, aabb)| (i as u32, *aabb)),

Next we can simply iterate over the BVH using one of the provided methods:

let mut stack = bvh.create_stack();

let origin = Vec3::ZERO;
let direction = Vec3::Y;
let max_time_of_impact = 1.;
for index in bvh.cast_ray(&mut stack, origin, direction, max_time_of_impact) {
    println!("We hit box {}: {:?}", index, boxes[index]);

It's recommended to reuse the stack where possible to avoid unnecessary allocations.

Future work

  • Actually support the parallelization


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