Crate plist

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A rusty plist parser.


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

plist = "0.2"

And put this in your crate root:

extern crate plist;


use plist::Value;

let value = Value::from_file("tests/data/xml.plist").unwrap();

match value {
    Value::Array(_array) => (),
    _ => ()
extern crate plist;
extern crate serde_derive;

#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
struct Info {
    author: String,
    height: f32,

let info: Info = plist::from_file("tests/data/xml.plist").unwrap();


An abstraction of a plist file as a stream of events. Used to support multiple encodings.


A UTC timestamp. Used for serialization to and from the plist date type.
A structure that deserializes plist event streams into Rust values.
A structure that serializes Rust values plist event streams.


Represents any plist value.


Deserializes an instance of type T from a plist file of any encoding.
Deserializes an instance of type T from a seekable byte stream containing a plist file of any encoding.
Deserializes an instance of type T from a byte stream containing an XML encoded plist file.
Serializes the given data structure as an XML encoded plist file.