pleco 0.1.6

A blazingly-fast chess engine and Chess AI.


Pleco is a chess Engine inspired by Stockfish, written entirely in Rust.

This project aims to utilize the efficiency of Rust to create a Chess Bot with the speed of modern chess engines.

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Planned & Implemented features

The internal Board Implementation aims to have the following features upon completion

  • Bitboard Representation of Piece Locations:
  • Ability for concurrent Board State access, for use by parallel searchers
  • Full Move-generation Capabilities
  • Statically computed information (including Magic-Bitboards)
  • Zobrist Hashing
  • UCI protocol implementation
  • Allowing matches against Human Players

The AI Bot aims to have the following features:

  • Alpha-Beta pruning
  • Multi-threaded search with
  • Queiscience-search
  • MVV-LVA sorting
  • Iterative Deepening
  • Aspiration Windows
  • Futility Pruning
  • Transposition Tables
  • Null Move Heuristic
  • Killer Moves

Standalone Installation and Use

Currently, Pleco's use as a standalone program is limited in functionality. A UCI client is needed to properly interact with the program. As a recommendation, check out Arena.

Firstly, clone the repo and navigate into the created folder with the following commands:

$ git clone --branch master
$ cd Pleco/

Once inside the pleco directory, build the binaries using cargo:

$ cargo build --release

The compiled program will appear in ./target/release/.

Pleco can now be run with a ./Pleco on Linux or a ./Pleco.exe on Windows.

Using Pleco as a Library

To use Pleco inside your own Rust projects, is available as a library on Simply include the following in your Cargo.toml:

pleco = "0.1.6"

And add the following to a or

extern crate pleco;

Basic Usage

Setting up a board position is extremely simple.

use pleco::{Board,Player,Piece};

let board = Board::default();
assert_eq!(board.count_piece(Player::White,Piece::P), 8);
assert_eq!(&board.get_fen(),"rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1");

Creating a board from a Position

A Board can be created with any valid chess position using a valid FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation) String. Check out the Wikipedia article for more information on FEN Strings and their format.

let board = Board::new_from_fen("rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 2");

Applying and Generating Moves

Moves are represented with a BitMove structure. They must be generated by a Board object directly, to be considered a valid move. Using Board::generate_moves() will generate all legal BitMoves of the current position for the current player.

use pleco::{Board,BitMove};

let mut board = Board::default(); // create a board of the starting position
let moves = board.generate_moves(); // generate all possible legal moves
assert_eq!(board.moves_played(), 1);

We can ask the Board to apply a move to itself from a string. This string must follow the format of a standard UCI Move, in the format [src_sq][dst_sq][promo]. E.g., moving a piece from A1 to B3 would have a uci string of "a1b3", while promoting a pawn would look something like "e7e81". If the board is supplied a UCI move that is either incorrectly formatted or illegal, false shall be returned.

let mut board = Board::default(); // create a board of the starting position
let success = board.apply_uci_move("e7e8q"); // apply a move where piece on e7 -> eq, promotes to queen
assert!(!success); // Wrong, not a valid move for the starting position

Undoing Moves

We can revert to the previous chessboard state with a simple Board::undo_move()

let mut board = Board::default();
board.apply_uci_move("e2e4"); // A very good starting move, might I say


Any and all contributions are welcome! Open up a PR to contribute some improvements. Look at the Issues tab to see what needs some help.


Pleco is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE-MIT for details. Opening a pull requests is assumed to signal agreement with these licensing terms.