playdate-graphics 0.4.0

High-level graphics API built on-top of Playdate API

Graphics API for PlayDate

High-level graphics API built on-top of playdate-sys.


extern crate playdate_graphics;
use playdate_graphics::{bitmap, color, text, BitmapFlipExt};

// create and draw black rect:
let image = bitmap::Bitmap::new(100, 100, color::Color::BLACK).unwrap();
image.draw(50, 100, bitmap::BitmapFlip::Unflipped);

// draw simple line of text:
let str = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"Simple Text\0").unwrap();
text::draw_text_cstr(str, 40, 40);

More covered in examples.

This software is not sponsored or supported by Panic.