playbook 0.3.0

YAML driven Docker DevOps
# playbook-rs

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YAML driven Docker DevOps

This is designed to containerize and migrate any function (language agnostic too) in your workflow by:

> 1. YAML Task Specification => Context
> 2. Deduced Context <=> Container Environment
> 3. Context => Task Arguments (with a native data structure)

## Dependencies

* Docker CE
* (Optional) Python - use `--no-default-features --features "base"` to waive this dependency
* (Optional) nvidia-docker2

## Installation

cargo +nightly install playbook

or without Python:

cargo install playbook --no-default-features --features "base"

## Usage example

playbook say_hi.yml


* Designed to work with `nvidia-docker2` and operationalize very complex GPU workflows
* Language agnostic symbol namespace (notice the `whitelist` and `#[playbook(say_hi)]`)
* Static/dynamic impersonation (setuid and optionally create&reference host user) to ensure correct privileges
* Internal security hardening by whitelisting a small subset of super user capabilities
* X11 Graphics by setting `gui: ture`
* Each step can run in a different container (or on host) to support imcompatible dependencies in the same workflow
* Support specifying IPC and (TODO network) namespace
* Simple step function API: `awesome_func(ctx)`
* Minimal command line arguments to launch a workflow: `playbook some.yml`
* Colorful logging for readability

## Examples

### A task to be operationalized

def say_hi(ctx):
    print("{whoami}: Hi!".format(**ctx))

### Description of the resources needed in a YAML file
- src:
whoami: Host
- name: Running in a container
  action: say_hi
    image: aleozlx/playbook-hello
      whoami: Container
- name: Running on host
  action: say_hi


### It works!
Notice how the playbook driver spawns containers when necessary, and supply appropriate context variables to the task in its native data structure.
$ playbook say_hi.yml
[2018-11-19 10:51:15] INFO Step 1: Running in a container
[2018-11-19 10:51:15] INFO Entering Docker: aleozlx/playbook-hello
[2018-11-19 10:51:15] INFO ["docker", "run", "--rm", "-t", "--net=host", "-v", "/home/alex/Code/playbook-rs/examples/hello:/home/alex/current-ro", "-w", "/home/alex/current-ro", "aleozlx/playbook-hello", "/usr/bin/env", "playbook", "--docker-step=0", "say_hi.yml"]
[2018-11-19 16:51:15] INFO Step 1: Running in a container
== Context ======================
# ctx( =
docker-step: "0"
playbook: say_hi.yml
whoami: Container
name: Running in a container
action: say_hi
== EOF ==========================
== Output =======================
Container: Hi!
== EOF ==========================
[2018-11-19 10:51:15] INFO Step 2: Running on host
== Context ======================
# ctx( =
name: Running on host
whoami: Host
action: say_hi
playbook: say_hi.yml
== EOF ==========================
== Output =======================
Host: Hi!
== EOF ==========================

## How to add steps?

1. Add a function `def something(ctx)`. Current execution context is in `ctx` as dict. Keys are proxied to attributes to save a lot of brackets and quotes. And be sure to declare/export this function to playbook as a symbol.

## ##

def something(ctx):

2. Add the source file path to the `whitelist`.

- src:

3. Add an entry to your YAML file in `steps` where `action` is the step function name

  - name: Some message here
    action: something
    my_var: goes_to_ctx
4. The function will receive a deduced context by its native data structure.

# Equivalent to calling the following after entering an appropriate environment and re-computing context
something({'my_var': 'goes_to_ctx'})

## How to specify docker environment?

You may add a default docker environment.
And use `vars` to change context variables when docker is in use.
  image: aleozlx/tkstack2:latest
  runtime: nvidia
  gui: False
    - 6006:6006
    - /tmp:/workspace/build
    - /mnt/datasets:/workspace/datasets
    storage: /workspace/datasets
  - name: Some message here
    action: something
    storage: /mnt/datasets

Or override the docker environment completely per step
  # ... snippet omitted ...
  - name: Some message here
    action: something
    storage: /mnt/datasets
      image: aleozlx/tkstack2:latest
      runtime: nvidia
        - /tmp:/workspace/build
        storage: /workspace/datasets

Or use the host
  # ... snippet omitted ...
  - name: Some message here
    action: something
    storage: /mnt/datasets
    docker: null

> Note: When a docker environment is present, the playbook starts docker accordingly and resumes itself inside docker to reuse many of the playbooks features,
> so that context deduction have a consistent behavior.