[][src]Crate pkg_version

Provides macros for fetching the Cargo package version at compile time.

All macros defined by this crate return constant expressions, so they can be used inside const fns or to initialize the value of a const or static item.


use pkg_version::*;

const MAJOR: u32 = pkg_version_major!();
const MINOR: u32 = pkg_version_minor!();
const PATCH: u32 = pkg_version_patch!();

fn main() {
    let version = format!("{}.{}.{}", MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH);
    assert_eq!(version, "0.1.0");

    println!("I am version {}", version);



Expands to the major version number of the Cargo package, as an integer literal.


Expands to the minor version number of the Cargo package, as an integer literal.


Expands to the patch version number of the Cargo package, as an integer literal.