pk2 0.1.0

Crate for interacting with Silkroad Online's pk2 archive format
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FILETIME {
    pub dwLowDateTime: u32,
    pub dwHighDateTime: u32,

    const MS_EPOCH: u64 = 11_6444_7360_0000_0000;

    pub fn now() -> Self {

    pub fn into_systime(self) -> Option<SystemTime> {
        let FILETIME { dwLowDateTime: low, dwHighDateTime: high } = self;
        let ftime = ((high as u64) << 32) | low as u64;
        let nanos = (ftime.checked_sub(Self::MS_EPOCH)?) * 100;
        Some(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_nanos(nanos))

impl From<SystemTime> for FILETIME {
    fn from(time: SystemTime) -> Self {
        let duration = time.duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap();
        let ftime = (duration.as_nanos() / 100) as u64 + Self::MS_EPOCH;
        FILETIME { dwLowDateTime: ftime as u32, dwHighDateTime: (ftime >> 32) as u32 }

fn test_convert_roundtrip() {
    let now = SystemTime::now();
    let ftime = FILETIME::from(now);
    let round_trip = ftime.into_systime().unwrap();
    // we compare it this way because the conversion loses precision due to the
    // division by 100. So comparing it by dividing the nanoseconds we will get a
    // lossless comparison for systems that have a higher timer resolution.
            .map(|nanos| nanos / 100)
            .map(|nanos| nanos / 100)