Module pix_engine::vector

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A Euclidean Vector in N-dimensional space.

Each Vector represents a N-dimensional Euclidean (or geometric) vector with a magnitude and a direction. The Vector struct, however, contains N values for each dimensional coordinate. The magnitude and direction are retrieved with the Vector::mag and Vector::heading methods.

Some example uses of a Vector include modeling a position, velocity, or acceleration of an object or particle in 2D or 3D space.


You can create a Vector using Vector::new:

let v = Vector::new([10.0, 20.0, 15.0]);

…or by using the vector! macro:

let v: Vector<f64, 3> = vector!(); // vector at the origin (0, 0, 0) with no direction or magnitude
assert_eq!(v.coords(), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);

let v = vector!(5.0); // 1D vector on the x-axis with magnitude 5
assert_eq!(v.coords(), [5.0]);

let v = vector!(5.0, 10.0); // 2D vector in the x/y-plane
assert_eq!(v.coords(), [5.0, 10.0]);

let v = vector!(-1.5, 3.0, 2.2); // 3D vector
assert_eq!(v.coords(), [-1.5, 3.0, 2.2]);

You can also create random Vectors using Vector::random which create unit vectors with magnitudes in the range -1.0..=1.0.

use pix_engine::prelude::*;

let v: Vector<f64, 1> = Vector::random();
// `v.coords()` will return something like:
// [-0.9993116191591512, 0.03709835324533284, 0.0]
assert!(v.x() >= -1.0 && v.x() <= 1.0);

let v: Vector<f64, 2> = Vector::random();
// `v.coords()` will return something like:
// [-0.9993116191591512, 0.03709835324533284, 0.0]
assert!(v.x() >= -1.0 && v.x() <= 1.0);
assert!(v.y() >= -1.0 && v.y() <= 1.0);

let v: Vector<f64, 3> = Vector::random();
// `v.coords()` will return something like:
// [-0.40038099206441835, 0.8985763512414204, 0.17959844705110184]
assert!(v.x() >= -1.0 && v.x() <= 1.0);
assert!(v.y() >= -1.0 && v.y() <= 1.0);
assert!(v.z() >= -1.0 && v.z() <= 1.0);
