pistoncore-glutin_window 0.7.1

A Piston window back-end using the Glutin library

//! A Glutin window back-end for the Piston game engine.

extern crate glutin;
extern crate gl;
extern crate input;
extern crate window;
extern crate shader_version;

// External crates.
use input::{
use window::{
use glutin::{ Api, GlRequest };

pub use shader_version::OpenGL;

/// Contains stuff for game window.
pub struct GlutinWindow {
    /// The window.
    pub window: glutin::Window,
    // The back-end does not remember the title.
    title: String,
    exit_on_esc: bool,
    should_close: bool,

fn builder_from_settings(settings: &WindowSettings) -> glutin::WindowBuilder {
    let opengl = settings.get_maybe_opengl().unwrap_or(OpenGL::V3_2);
    let (major, minor) = opengl.get_major_minor();
    let size = settings.get_size();
    let mut builder = glutin::WindowBuilder::new()
        .with_dimensions(size.width, size.height)
        .with_gl(GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGl, (major as u8, minor as u8)))
    let samples = settings.get_samples();
    if settings.get_fullscreen() {
        builder = builder.with_fullscreen(glutin::get_primary_monitor());
    if settings.get_vsync() {
        builder = builder.with_vsync();
    if samples != 0 {
        builder = builder.with_multisampling(samples as u16);

impl GlutinWindow {

    /// Creates a new game window for Glutin.
    pub fn new(settings: WindowSettings) -> Self {
        let title = settings.get_title();
        let exit_on_esc = settings.get_exit_on_esc();
        let window = builder_from_settings(&settings).build();
        let window = match window {
                Ok(window) => window,
                Err(_) => {
        unsafe { window.make_current().unwrap(); }

        // Load the OpenGL function pointers.
        gl::load_with(|s| window.get_proc_address(s));

        GlutinWindow {
            window: window,
            title: title,
            exit_on_esc: exit_on_esc,
            should_close: false,

    fn poll_event(&mut self) -> Option<Input> {
        use glutin::Event as E;
        use glutin::MouseScrollDelta;
        use input::{ Key, Input, Motion };

        match self.window.poll_events().next() {
            None => None,
            Some(E::Resized(w, h)) =>
                Some(Input::Resize(w, h)),
            Some(E::ReceivedCharacter(ch)) => {
                let string = match ch {
                    // Ignore control characters and return ascii for Text event (like sdl2).
                    '\u{7f}' | // Delete
                    '\u{1b}' | // Escape
                    '\u{8}'  | // Backspace
                    '\r' | '\n' | '\t' => "".to_string(),
                    _ => ch.to_string()
            Some(E::Focused(focused)) =>
            Some(E::KeyboardInput(glutin::ElementState::Pressed, _, Some(key))) => {
                let piston_key = map_key(key);
                if let (true, Key::Escape) = (self.exit_on_esc, piston_key) {
                    self.should_close = true;
            Some(E::KeyboardInput(glutin::ElementState::Released, _, Some(key))) =>
            Some(E::MouseMoved((x, y))) => {
                let f = self.window.hidpi_factor();
                Some(Input::Move(Motion::MouseCursor(x as f64 / f as f64, y as f64 / f as f64)))
            Some(E::MouseWheel(MouseScrollDelta::PixelDelta(x, y))) =>
                Some(Input::Move(Motion::MouseScroll(x as f64, y as f64))),
            Some(E::MouseInput(glutin::ElementState::Pressed, button)) =>
            Some(E::MouseInput(glutin::ElementState::Released, button)) =>
            Some(E::Closed) => {
                self.should_close = true;
            _ => None,

impl From<WindowSettings> for GlutinWindow {
    fn from(settings: WindowSettings) -> GlutinWindow {

impl Window for GlutinWindow {
    type Event = Input;

    fn size(&self) -> Size {
        if let Some(size) = self.window.get_inner_size() {
        } else {
            (0, 0).into()
    fn draw_size(&self) -> Size {
        let f = self.window.hidpi_factor();
        if let Some((w, h)) = self.window.get_inner_size() {
            ((w as f32 * f) as u32, (h as f32 * f) as u32).into()
        } else {
            (0, 0).into()
    fn should_close(&self) -> bool { self.should_close }
    fn swap_buffers(&mut self) { let _ = self.window.swap_buffers(); }
    fn poll_event(&mut self) -> Option<Input> { self.poll_event() }

impl AdvancedWindow for GlutinWindow {
    fn get_title(&self) -> String { self.title.clone() }
    fn set_title(&mut self, value: String) {
        self.title = value;
    fn get_exit_on_esc(&self) -> bool { self.exit_on_esc }
    fn set_exit_on_esc(&mut self, value: bool) { self.exit_on_esc = value; }
    fn set_capture_cursor(&mut self, value: bool) {
        use glutin::CursorState;
        if value {
            let _ = self.window.set_cursor_state(CursorState::Grab);
        } else {
            let _ = self.window.set_cursor_state(CursorState::Normal);

impl OpenGLWindow for GlutinWindow {
    fn get_proc_address(&mut self, proc_name: &str) -> ProcAddress {

    fn is_current(&self) -> bool {

    fn make_current(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

/// Maps Glutin's key to Piston's key.
pub fn map_key(keycode: glutin::VirtualKeyCode) -> keyboard::Key {
    use input::keyboard::Key;
    use glutin::VirtualKeyCode as K;

    match keycode {
        K::Key0 => Key::D0,
        K::Key1 => Key::D1,
        K::Key2 => Key::D2,
        K::Key3 => Key::D3,
        K::Key4 => Key::D4,
        K::Key5 => Key::D5,
        K::Key6 => Key::D6,
        K::Key7 => Key::D7,
        K::Key8 => Key::D8,
        K::Key9 => Key::D9,
        K::A => Key::A,
        K::B => Key::B,
        K::C => Key::C,
        K::D => Key::D,
        K::E => Key::E,
        K::F => Key::F,
        K::G => Key::G,
        K::H => Key::H,
        K::I => Key::I,
        K::J => Key::J,
        K::K => Key::K,
        K::L => Key::L,
        K::M => Key::M,
        K::N => Key::N,
        K::O => Key::O,
        K::P => Key::P,
        K::Q => Key::Q,
        K::R => Key::R,
        K::S => Key::S,
        K::T => Key::T,
        K::U => Key::U,
        K::V => Key::V,
        K::W => Key::W,
        K::X => Key::X,
        K::Y => Key::Y,
        K::Z => Key::Z,
        K::Apostrophe => Key::Unknown,
        K::Backslash => Key::Backslash,
        K::Back => Key::Backspace,
        // K::CapsLock => Key::CapsLock,
        K::Delete => Key::Delete,
        K::Comma => Key::Comma,
        K::Down => Key::Down,
        K::End => Key::End,
        K::Return => Key::Return,
        K::Equals => Key::Equals,
        K::Escape => Key::Escape,
        K::F1 => Key::F1,
        K::F2 => Key::F2,
        K::F3 => Key::F3,
        K::F4 => Key::F4,
        K::F5 => Key::F5,
        K::F6 => Key::F6,
        K::F7 => Key::F7,
        K::F8 => Key::F8,
        K::F9 => Key::F9,
        K::F10 => Key::F10,
        K::F11 => Key::F11,
        K::F12 => Key::F12,
        K::F13 => Key::F13,
        K::F14 => Key::F14,
        K::F15 => Key::F15,
        // K::F16 => Key::F16,
        // K::F17 => Key::F17,
        // K::F18 => Key::F18,
        // K::F19 => Key::F19,
        // K::F20 => Key::F20,
        // K::F21 => Key::F21,
        // K::F22 => Key::F22,
        // K::F23 => Key::F23,
        // K::F24 => Key::F24,
        // Possibly next code.
        // K::F25 => Key::Unknown,
        K::Numpad0 => Key::NumPad0,
        K::Numpad1 => Key::NumPad1,
        K::Numpad2 => Key::NumPad2,
        K::Numpad3 => Key::NumPad3,
        K::Numpad4 => Key::NumPad4,
        K::Numpad5 => Key::NumPad5,
        K::Numpad6 => Key::NumPad6,
        K::Numpad7 => Key::NumPad7,
        K::Numpad8 => Key::NumPad8,
        K::Numpad9 => Key::NumPad9,
        K::NumpadComma => Key::NumPadDecimal,
        K::Divide => Key::NumPadDivide,
        K::Multiply => Key::NumPadMultiply,
        K::Subtract => Key::NumPadMinus,
        K::Add => Key::NumPadPlus,
        K::NumpadEnter => Key::NumPadEnter,
        K::NumpadEquals => Key::NumPadEquals,
        K::LShift => Key::LShift,
        K::LControl => Key::LCtrl,
        K::LAlt => Key::LAlt,
        K::LMenu => Key::LGui,
        K::RShift => Key::RShift,
        K::RControl => Key::RCtrl,
        K::RAlt => Key::RAlt,
        K::RMenu => Key::RGui,
        // Map to backslash?
        // K::GraveAccent => Key::Unknown,
        K::Home => Key::Home,
        K::Insert => Key::Insert,
        K::Left => Key::Left,
        K::LBracket => Key::LeftBracket,
        // K::Menu => Key::Menu,
        K::Minus => Key::Minus,
        K::Numlock => Key::NumLockClear,
        K::PageDown => Key::PageDown,
        K::PageUp => Key::PageUp,
        K::Pause => Key::Pause,
        K::Period => Key::Period,
        // K::PrintScreen => Key::PrintScreen,
        K::Right => Key::Right,
        K::RBracket => Key::RightBracket,
        // K::ScrollLock => Key::ScrollLock,
        K::Semicolon => Key::Semicolon,
        K::Slash => Key::Slash,
        K::Space => Key::Space,
        K::Tab => Key::Tab,
        K::Up => Key::Up,
        // K::World1 => Key::Unknown,
        // K::World2 => Key::Unknown,
        _ => Key::Unknown,

/// Maps Glutin's mouse button to Piston's mouse button.
pub fn map_mouse(mouse_button: glutin::MouseButton) -> MouseButton {
    use glutin::MouseButton as M;

    match mouse_button {
        M::Left => MouseButton::Left,
        M::Right => MouseButton::Right,
        M::Middle => MouseButton::Middle,
        M::Other(0) => MouseButton::X1,
        M::Other(1) => MouseButton::X2,
        M::Other(2) => MouseButton::Button6,
        M::Other(3) => MouseButton::Button7,
        M::Other(4) => MouseButton::Button8,
        _ => MouseButton::Unknown