piston2d-gfx_graphics 0.1.22

A Gfx 2D back-end for the Piston game engine
//! Glyph caching

extern crate freetype as ft;

use std::path::Path;
use std::collections::hash_map::{ HashMap, Entry };
use graphics::character::{ CharacterCache, Character };
use graphics::types::FontSize;
use self::ft::render_mode::RenderMode;
use { gfx, Texture };

/// An enum to represent various possible run-time errors that may occur.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
    /// An error happened when creating a gfx texture.
    /// An error happened with the FreeType library.

impl From<gfx::tex::TextureError> for Error {
    fn from(tex_err: gfx::tex::TextureError) -> Self {

impl From<ft::error::Error> for Error {
    fn from(ft_err: ft::error::Error) -> Self {

/// A struct used for caching rendered font.
pub struct GlyphCache<R, F> where R: gfx::Resources {
    /// The font face.
    pub face: ft::Face<'static>,
    factory: F,
    data: HashMap<(FontSize, char), Character<Texture<R>>>

impl<R, F> GlyphCache<R, F> where R: gfx::Resources {
     /// Constructor for a GlyphCache.
    pub fn new(font: &Path, factory: F) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let freetype = try!(ft::Library::init());
        let face = try!(freetype.new_face(font, 0));
        Ok(GlyphCache {
            face: face,
            factory: factory,
            data: HashMap::new(),

impl<R, F> CharacterCache for GlyphCache<R, F> where
    R: gfx::Resources,
    F: gfx::Factory<R>,
    type Texture = Texture<R>;

    fn character(&mut self, size: FontSize, ch: char) -> &Character<Self::Texture> {
        match self.data.entry((size, ch)) {
            //returning `into_mut()' to get reference with 'a lifetime
            Entry::Occupied(v) => v.into_mut(),
            Entry::Vacant(v) => {
                self.face.set_pixel_sizes(0, size).unwrap();
                self.face.load_char(ch as usize, ft::face::DEFAULT).unwrap();
                let glyph = self.face.glyph().get_glyph().unwrap();
                let bitmap_glyph = glyph.to_bitmap(RenderMode::Normal, None).unwrap();
                let glyph_size = glyph.advance();
                v.insert(Character {
                    offset: [
                        bitmap_glyph.left() as f64,
                        bitmap_glyph.top() as f64
                    size: [
                        (glyph_size.x >> 16) as f64,
                        (glyph_size.y >> 16) as f64
                    texture: {
                        let bitmap = bitmap_glyph.bitmap();
                        if bitmap.width() == 0 || bitmap.rows() == 0 {
                            Texture::empty(&mut self.factory)
                        }else {
                                &mut self.factory,
                                bitmap.width() as u32,
                                bitmap.rows() as u32,