pipitor 0.3.0-alpha.9

A Twitter bot that gathers, filters and Retweets Tweets automatically.


A Twitter bot that gathers Tweets from a specified set of accounts, filters and Retweets them.


  • Pipitor uses the POST statuses/filter API. It can get the Tweets in realtime without worrying being rate limited.
  • Pipitor optionally supports getting past Tweets from a list, so it can even retrieve Tweets posted while it was suspended.


Download the latest binary package for your platform from the releases page and install it to a directory of your choice.

Or alternatively, you can manually build the project from the source (requires Nightly Rust):

cargo install pipitor

After the installation, create a manifest file named Pipitor.toml in the working directory. You can use JSON and Dhall formats as well (Pipitor.json and Pipitor.dhall respectively). Manifest format is shown in Pipitor.example.toml and Pipitor.example.dhall.

Then, run the following, and follow the instructions on the command line:

pipitor setup

Now, you're all set! Run the following to start the bot:

pipitor run


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 (LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html) unless explicitly stated otherwise.