pinus 0.0.4

A prickly BTreeMap. You can insert through shared references and values are pin-projected.
//! The shared bulk of the API.
#![allow(clippy::type_complexity)] // For not-quite fallible methods.

use crate::UnwrapInfallible;
use std::{
	borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut},
	mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit},
use tap::Pipe;
use this_is_fine::{prelude::*, Fine};

/// The unpinned API.
pub trait UnpinnedPineMap<K: Ord, V: ?Sized> {
	/// Pins the values in this tree, though not the instance itself which is still [`Unpin`] after this.
	/// This is a somewhat unconventional use of [`Pin`],
	/// but pinning through a reference wouldn't make much sense here as the collections in this crate themselves are *always* [`Unpin`],
	/// regardless of the properties of their key or value types.
	fn pin(self) -> Pin<Self>
		Self: Sized,
		unsafe {
			// Well. This is clearly misusing the `Pin` type.
			// It's marked `#repr[transparent]` in the standard library docs, though,
			// and after digging into it a bit that, does does appear part of the stabilised feature:
			// <>
			(ManuallyDrop::new(self).borrow_mut() as *mut ManuallyDrop<Self>)

	/// Returns a reference to the value corresponding to the key.
	/// The key may be any borrowed form of the map's key type,
	/// but the ordering on the borrowed form *must* match the ordering on the key type.
	fn get<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<&V>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized;

	/// Tries to insert a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_insert_with<F: FnOnce(&K) -> Result<V, E>, E>(
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<&V, (K, F)>, E>
		V: Sized;

	/// Inserts a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_with<F: FnOnce(&K) -> V>(&self, key: K, value_factory: F) -> Fine<&V, (K, F)>
		V: Sized, // Just for clarity.
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		self.try_insert_with(key, |key| {
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Inserts a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert(&self, key: K, value: V) -> Fine<&V, (K, V)>
		V: Sized,
		let value = Cell::new(Some(value));
		self.insert_with(key, |_| value.take().expect("unreachable"))
			.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Clears the map, removing all elements.
	/// # Panics
	/// Iff the instance was poisoned.
	fn clear(&mut self);

	/// Returns a reference to the value corresponding to the key.
	/// The key may be any borrowed form of the map's key type,
	/// but the ordering on the borrowed form *must* match the ordering on the key type.
	fn get_mut<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<&mut V>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized;

	/// Tries to insert a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_insert_with_mut<F: FnOnce(&K) -> Result<V, E>, E>(
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<&mut V, (K, F)>, E>
		V: Sized;

	/// Inserts a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_with_mut<F: FnOnce(&K) -> V>(
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<&mut V, (K, F)>
		V: Sized, // Just for clarity.
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		self.try_insert_with_mut(key, |key| {
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Inserts a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_mut(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Fine<&mut V, (K, V)>
		V: Sized,
		let value = Cell::new(Some(value));
		self.insert_with_mut(key, |_| value.take().expect("unreachable"))
			.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Removes and returns a key-value pair if a matching key exists.
	fn remove_pair<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<(K, V)>
		V: Sized,
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized;

	/// Removes and returns a key-value pair if a matching key exists.
	fn remove_value<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<V>
		V: Sized,
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,
		self.remove_pair(key).map(|(_, v)| v)

	/// Removes and returns a key if a matching key exists.
	/// The value is dropped, and the collection isn't poisoned if this causes a panic.
	fn remove_key<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<K>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized;

	/// If a matching key exists, drops the associated key and value. (In unspecified order!)
	/// The collection isn't poisoned if a panic occurs while dropping either key or value.
	/// # Returns
	/// Whether a matching entry was found.
	fn drop_entry<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> bool
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,

/// The unpinned emplacement API.
pub trait UnpinnedPineMapEmplace<K: Ord, V: ?Sized, W>: UnpinnedPineMap<K, V> {
	/// Tries to emplace a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with<F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, &'a mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> Result<&'a mut V, E>, E>(
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<&V, (K, F)>, E>;

	/// Emplaces a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with<F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, &'a mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> &'a mut V>(
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<&V, (K, F)> {
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		self.try_emplace_with(key, |key, slot| {
			value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, slot).pipe(Ok)
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Emplaces a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace(&self, key: K, value: W) -> Fine<&V, (K, W)>
		W: BorrowMut<V>,
		let value = Cell::new(Some(value));
		self.emplace_with(key, |_, slot| {
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Tries to emplace a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with_mut<
		F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, &'a mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> Result<&'a mut V, E>,
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<&mut V, (K, F)>, E>;

	/// Emplaces a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with_mut<F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, &'a mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> &'a mut V>(
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<&mut V, (K, F)> {
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		self.try_emplace_with_mut(key, |key, slot| {
			value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, slot).pipe(Ok)
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Emplaces a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_mut(&mut self, key: K, value: W) -> Fine<&mut V, (K, W)>
		W: BorrowMut<V>,
		let value = Cell::new(Some(value));
		self.emplace_with_mut(key, |_, slot| {
		.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value.take().expect("unreachable")))

/// The pinned API, which disallows moving values in safe Rust.
/// # Safety
/// Any implementors must ensure their [`<Self::Unpinned as UnpinnedPineMap>`](`UnpinnedPineMap`) implementation would be valid if all `V`alues were pinned.
/// > If you MUST implement this yourself, pin this package to a specific minor version!
/// > New methods with default implementations may be added in any feature update.
/// It must be possible reinterpret `Self` as `Self::Unpinned`.
/// See: [`pin` -> `Drop` guarantee](
pub unsafe trait PinnedPineMap<K: Ord, V: ?Sized> {
	/// The unpinned identity of this tree.
	/// As `Self` should be `Pin<Self::Unpinned>`, this should be the matching plain collection type.
	type Unpinned: UnpinnedPineMap<K, V>;

	/// Unpins this collections.
	/// This is safe as [`V: Unpin`](`Unpin`) is required.
	fn unpin(self) -> Self::Unpinned
		Self: Sized,
		V: Unpin,
		unsafe { self.unpin_unchecked() }

	/// Unpins this collection.
	/// # Safety
	/// Pinning invariants for any remaining values `V` must still be upheld.
	/// If [`V: Unpin`](`Unpin`), use [`.unpin()`](`PinnedPineMap::unpin`) instead.
	unsafe fn unpin_unchecked(self) -> Self::Unpinned
		Self: Sized,
		(ManuallyDrop::new(self).borrow_mut() as *mut ManuallyDrop<Self>)

	/// Access the unpinned API.
	fn as_unpinned(&self) -> &Self::Unpinned {
		unsafe { &*(self as *const Self).cast() }

	/// Access the unpinned mutable API.
	/// This is safe as `V` is `Unpin`,
	/// so the values are guaranteed to be movable.
	fn as_unpinned_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Unpinned
		V: Unpin,
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }

	/// Access the unpinned mutable API without requiring `V: Unpin`.
	/// > If `V: Unpin`, use [`.as_unpinned_mut()`](`PinnedPineMap::as_unpinned_mut`) instead!
	/// # Safety
	/// Pinning invariants for any remaining values `V` must still be upheld.
	unsafe fn as_unpinned_mut_unchecked(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Unpinned {
		&mut *(self as *mut Self).cast()

	/// Returns a reference to the value corresponding to the key.
	/// The key may be any borrowed form of the map's key type,
	/// but the ordering on the borrowed form *must* match the ordering on the key type.
	fn get<Q>(&self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&V>>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,
			.map(|value| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)) })

	/// Tries to insert a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_insert_with<F: FnOnce(&K) -> Result<V, E>, E>(
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, F)>, E>
		V: Sized,
			.try_insert_with(key, value_factory)?
			.map(|value| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)) })

	/// Inserts a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_with<F: FnOnce(&K) -> V>(&self, key: K, value_factory: F) -> Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, F)>
		V: Sized, // Just for clarity.
			.insert_with(key, value_factory)
			.map(|value| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)) })

	/// Inserts a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert(&self, key: K, value: V) -> Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, V)>
		V: Sized,
			.insert(key, value)
			.map(|value| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)) })

	/// Clears the map, removing all elements.
	/// # Panics
	/// Iff the instance was poisoned.
	fn clear(&mut self) {
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }.clear()

	/// Returns a mutable reference to the pinned value corresponding to the key.
	/// The key may be any borrowed form of the map's key type,
	/// but the ordering on the borrowed form *must* match the ordering on the key type.
	fn get_mut<'a, Q>(&'a mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<Pin<&'a mut V>>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,
		unsafe {
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(value))

	/// Tries to insert a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_insert_with_mut<'a, F: FnOnce(&K) -> Result<V, E>, E>(
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>, E>
		V: Sized,
		unsafe {
				.try_insert_with_mut(key, value_factory)?
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *(value as *mut _)))

	/// Inserts a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_with_mut<'a, F: FnOnce(&K) -> V>(
		&mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>
		V: Sized, // Just for clarity.
		unsafe {
				.insert_with_mut(key, value_factory)
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *(value as *mut _)))

	/// Inserts a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn insert_mut<'a>(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, V)>
		V: Sized,
		unsafe {
				.insert_mut(key, value)
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *(value as *mut _)))

	/// Removes and returns a key if a matching key exists.
	/// The collection isn't poisoned if this causes a panic.
	fn remove_key<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> Option<K>
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }.remove_key(key)

	/// If a matching key exists, drops the associated key and value. (In unspecified order!)
	/// The collection isn't poisoned if a panic occurs while dropping either key or value.
	/// **Note that only the value is pinned!** The key is not necessarily dropped in place.
	/// # Returns
	/// Whether a matching entry was found.
	fn drop_entry<Q>(&mut self, key: &Q) -> bool
		K: Borrow<Q>,
		Q: Ord + ?Sized,
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }.drop_entry(key)

/// The pinned emplacement API.
/// # Safety
/// Any implementors must ensure their [`UnpinnedPineMapEmplace`] implementation would be valid if all `V`alues were pinned.
/// > If you MUST implement this yourself, pin this package to a specific minor version!
/// > New methods with default implementations may be added in any feature update.
/// See: [`pin` -> `Drop` guarantee](
pub unsafe trait PinnedPineMapEmplace<K: Ord, V: ?Sized, W>: PinnedPineMap<K, V>
	Self::Unpinned: UnpinnedPineMapEmplace<K, V, W>,
	/// Tries to emplace a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// > In many cases, you'll want to call `.try_emplace_with_unpinned(…)` instead,
	/// > which can be (more easily) satisfied without using `unsafe` code in the callback.
	/// # Safety
	#[allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] // No backticks needed in `<code>`.
	/// Note that the <code>[Pin]<&'a mut [MaybeUninit]<W>></code> doesn't imply a drop guarantee for `W`,
	/// but only that that entire allocation will remain untouched for `'a`.
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with<
		F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, Pin<&'a mut MaybeUninit<W>>) -> Result<Pin<&'a mut V>, E>,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, F)>, E> {
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		unsafe {
				.try_emplace_with(key, |key, slot| {
					value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, Pin::new_unchecked(slot))
						.map(|value| Pin::into_inner_unchecked(value))
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)))
				.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Tries to emplace a new unpinned value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet,
	/// and then immediately pins it.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with_unpinned<
		F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, &'b mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> Result<&'b mut V, E>,
		&'a self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&'a V>, (K, F)>, E>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
			.try_emplace_with(key, value_factory)?
			.map(|v| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(v) })

	/// Emplaces a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// > In many cases, you'll want to call `.emplace_with_unpinned(…)` instead,
	/// > which can be (more easily) satisfied without using `unsafe` code in the callback.
	/// # Safety
	#[allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] // No backticks needed in `<code>`.
	/// Note that the <code>[Pin]<&'a mut [MaybeUninit]<W>></code> doesn't imply a drop guarantee for `W`,
	/// but only that that entire allocation will remain untouched for `'a`.
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with<F: for<'a> FnOnce(&K, Pin<&'a mut MaybeUninit<W>>) -> Pin<&'a mut V>>(
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, F)> {
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		unsafe {
				.emplace_with(key, |key, slot| {
					value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, Pin::new_unchecked(slot))
						.pipe(|value| Pin::into_inner_unchecked(value))
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)))
				.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Emplaces a new unpinned value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet,
	/// and then immediately pins it.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with_unpinned<'a, F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, &'b mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> &'b mut V>(
		&'a self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<Pin<&'a V>, (K, F)>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
			.emplace_with(key, value_factory)
			.map(|v| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(v) })

	/// Emplaces a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Safety
	/// Note that there is no drop guarantee for `W`
	/// (and that type will in fact not have its [`Drop::drop`] called directly)!
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace(&self, key: K, value: W) -> Fine<Pin<&V>, (K, W)>
		W: BorrowMut<V>,
		unsafe {
				.emplace(key, value)
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(&*(value as *const _)))

	/// Tries to emplace a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// > In many cases, you'll want to call `.try_emplace_with_mut_unpinned(…)` instead,
	/// > which can be (more easily) satisfied without using `unsafe` code in the callback.
	/// # Safety
	#[allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] // No backticks needed in `<code>`.
	/// Note that the <code>[Pin]<&'a mut [MaybeUninit]<W>></code> doesn't imply a drop guarantee for `W`,
	/// but only that that entire allocation will remain untouched for `'a`.
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with_mut<
		F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, Pin<&'b mut MaybeUninit<W>>) -> Result<Pin<&'b mut V>, E>,
		&'a mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>, E>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		unsafe {
				.try_emplace_with_mut(key, |key, slot| {
					value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, Pin::new_unchecked(slot))
						.map(|value| Pin::into_inner_unchecked(value))
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(value))
				.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Tries to emplace a new unpinned value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet,
	/// and then immediately pins it.
	/// # Errors
	/// Outer error: Iff `value_factory` fails.
	/// Inner error: Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn try_emplace_with_mut_unpinned<
		F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, &'b mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> Result<&'b mut V, E>,
		&'a mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Result<Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>, E>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }
			.try_emplace_with_mut(key, value_factory)?
			.map(|v| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(v) })

	/// Emplaces a new value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// > In many cases, you'll want to call `.emplace_with_mut_unpinned(…)` instead,
	/// > which can be (more easily) satisfied without using `unsafe` code in the callback.
	/// # Safety
	#[allow(clippy::doc_markdown)] // No backticks needed in `<code>`.
	/// Note that the <code>[Pin]<&'a mut [MaybeUninit]<W>></code> doesn't imply a drop guarantee for `W`,
	/// but only that that entire allocation will remain untouched for `'a`.
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with_mut<'a, F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, Pin<&'b mut MaybeUninit<W>>) -> Pin<&'b mut V>>(
		&'a mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		let value_factory = Cell::new(Some(value_factory));
		unsafe {
				.emplace_with_mut(key, |key, slot| {
					value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")(key, Pin::new_unchecked(slot))
						.pipe(|value| Pin::into_inner_unchecked(value))
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(value))
				.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value_factory.take().expect("unreachable")))

	/// Emplaces a new unpinned value produced by the given factory, but only if no such key exists yet,
	/// and then immediately pins it.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_with_mut_unpinned<'a, F: for<'b> FnOnce(&K, &'b mut MaybeUninit<W>) -> &'b mut V>(
		&'a mut self,
		key: K,
		value_factory: F,
	) -> Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, F)>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		unsafe { self.as_unpinned_mut_unchecked() }
			.emplace_with_mut(key, value_factory)
			.map(|v| unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(v) })

	/// Emplaces a new value, but only if no such key exists yet.
	/// # Safety
	/// Note that there is no drop guarantee for `W`
	/// (and that type will in fact not have its [`Drop::drop`] called directly)!
	/// Any resulting [`Pin<&'a V>`](`Pin`) or [`Pin<&'a mut V>`](`Pin`) will have
	/// its [`Deref::Target`](`std::ops::Deref::Target`) dropped in place (or leaked), however, as implied.
	/// # Errors
	/// Iff an entry matching `key` already exists.
	fn emplace_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, key: K, value: W) -> Fine<Pin<&'a mut V>, (K, W)>
		Self::Unpinned: 'a,
		W: BorrowMut<V>,
		let value = Cell::new(Some(value));
		unsafe {
				.emplace_with_mut(key, |_, slot| {
				.map(|value| Pin::new_unchecked(value))
				.map_err(|(key, _)| (key, value.take().expect("unreachable")))