pingrep 24.5.0

A command-line tool to quickly and easily search through your Pinboard bookmarks locally
# Pingrep

`pingrep` is a command-line tool designed to quickly and easily search through your [Pinboard] bookmarks locally.

## Usage

pingrep provides several commands to help you manage and search your Pinboard bookmarks.
Here's a brief overview of the most important commands:

### `pingrep login`

Before using pingrep, you need to configure it with your Pinboard API token using:

pingrep login

Pingrep will securely store this token in the system keyring.

### `pingrep fzf`

This command opens an interactive search interface using [`fzf`][fzf], allowing you to search and filter your Pinboard bookmarks easily.

#### Keybindings

- `enter`: Open the selected bookmark in a browser, then exit.
- `ctrl+o`: Open the selected bookmark in a browser, don't exit.
- `ctrl+e`: Open the selected bookmark on [][pinboard].
- `ctrl-y`: Copy the URL of the selected bookmark to the clipboard (requires [cbcopy]).

### `pingrep search <query> ...`

> This command has not been implemented yet.

Search for bookmarks using one or more search queries.
Replace `<query>` with your search terms.
You can use multiple queries to narrow down your search.

### `pingrep show <url>`

View detailed information about a specific bookmark by providing its URL as an argument.

### `pingrep update`

Update the local cache of your Pinboard bookmarks to ensure you have the latest data.

Linux users may want to refer to these examples to automate this using a systemd timer:

- [pingrep-update.service]
- [pingrep-update.timer]

### Additional Information

For more information and detailed usage instructions, refer to the built-in help documentation:

pingrep --help

## License

Pingrep is open-source software released under the [BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License].
This license is designed to provide: a) a simple permissive license; b) that is compatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2; and c) which also has an express patent grant included.

Please review the [LICENSE] file for the full text of the license.

[BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License]: