pineappl 0.5.9

PineAPPL is not an extension of APPLgrid
//! Module containing the Lagrange-interpolation subgrid.

use super::convert::{f64_from_usize, usize_from_f64};
use super::grid::Ntuple;
use super::sparse_array3::SparseArray3;
use super::subgrid::{
    ExtraSubgridParams, Mu2, Stats, Subgrid, SubgridEnum, SubgridIter, SubgridParams,
use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
use ndarray::Array3;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::iter;
use std::mem;

pub(crate) fn weightfun(x: f64) -> f64 {
    (x.sqrt() / (1.0 - 0.99 * x)).powi(3)

fn fx(y: f64) -> f64 {
    let mut yp = y;

    for _ in 0..100 {
        let x = (-yp).exp();
        let delta = y - yp - 5.0 * (1.0 - x);
        if (delta).abs() < 1e-12 {
            return x;
        let deriv = -1.0 - 5.0 * x;
        yp -= delta / deriv;


fn fy(x: f64) -> f64 {
    (1.0 - x).mul_add(5.0, -x.ln())

fn ftau(q2: f64) -> f64 {
    (q2 / 0.0625).ln().ln()

fn fq2(tau: f64) -> f64 {
    0.0625 * tau.exp().exp()

fn fi(i: usize, n: usize, u: f64) -> f64 {
    let mut factorials = 1;
    let mut product = 1.0;
    for z in 0..i {
        product *= u - f64_from_usize(z);
        factorials *= i - z;
    for z in i + 1..=n {
        product *= f64_from_usize(z) - u;
        factorials *= z - i;
    product / f64_from_usize(factorials)

/// Subgrid which uses Lagrange-interpolation.
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct LagrangeSubgridV1 {
    pub(crate) grid: Option<Array3<f64>>,
    ntau: usize,
    ny: usize,
    yorder: usize,
    tauorder: usize,
    itaumin: usize,
    itaumax: usize,
    reweight: bool,
    ymin: f64,
    ymax: f64,
    taumin: f64,
    taumax: f64,

impl LagrangeSubgridV1 {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(subgrid_params: &SubgridParams) -> Self {
        Self {
            grid: None,
            ntau: subgrid_params.q2_bins(),
            ny: subgrid_params.x_bins(),
            yorder: subgrid_params.x_order(),
            tauorder: subgrid_params.q2_order(),
            itaumin: 0,
            itaumax: 0,
            reweight: subgrid_params.reweight(),
            ymin: fy(subgrid_params.x_max()),
            ymax: fy(subgrid_params.x_min()),
            taumin: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_min()),
            taumax: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_max()),

    fn deltay(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.ymax - self.ymin) / f64_from_usize(self.ny - 1)

    fn deltatau(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.taumax - self.taumin) / f64_from_usize(self.ntau - 1)

    fn gety(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltay(), self.ymin)

    fn gettau(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltatau(), self.taumin)

impl LagrangeSubgridV1 {
    fn increase_tau(&mut self, new_itaumin: usize, new_itaumax: usize) {
        let min_diff = self.itaumin - new_itaumin;

        let mut new_grid = Array3::zeros((new_itaumax - new_itaumin, self.ny, self.ny));

        for ((i, j, k), value) in self.grid.as_ref().unwrap().indexed_iter() {
            new_grid[[i + min_diff, j, k]] = *value;

        self.itaumin = new_itaumin;
        self.itaumax = new_itaumax;

        mem::swap(&mut self.grid, &mut Some(new_grid));

impl Subgrid for LagrangeSubgridV1 {
    fn convolute(
        x1: &[f64],
        x2: &[f64],
        _: &[Mu2],
        lumi: &mut dyn FnMut(usize, usize, usize) -> f64,
    ) -> f64 {
        self.grid.as_ref().map_or(0.0, |grid| {
                .map(|((imu2, ix1, ix2), &sigma)| {
                    if sigma == 0.0 {
                    } else {
                        let mut value = sigma * lumi(ix1, ix2, imu2 + self.itaumin);
                        if self.reweight {
                            value *= weightfun(x1[ix1]) * weightfun(x2[ix2]);

    fn fill(&mut self, ntuple: &Ntuple<f64>) {
        let y1 = fy(ntuple.x1);
        let y2 = fy(ntuple.x2);
        let tau = ftau(ntuple.q2);

        if (y2 < self.ymin)
            || (y2 > self.ymax)
            || (y1 < self.ymin)
            || (y1 > self.ymax)
            || (tau < self.taumin)
            || (tau > self.taumax)

        let k1 = usize_from_f64((y1 - self.ymin) / self.deltay() - f64_from_usize(self.yorder / 2))
            .min(self.ny - 1 - self.yorder);
        let k2 = usize_from_f64((y2 - self.ymin) / self.deltay() - f64_from_usize(self.yorder / 2))
            .min(self.ny - 1 - self.yorder);

        let u_y1 = (y1 - self.gety(k1)) / self.deltay();
        let u_y2 = (y2 - self.gety(k2)) / self.deltay();

        let fi1: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.yorder)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.yorder, u_y1))
        let fi2: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.yorder)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.yorder, u_y2))

        let k3 = usize_from_f64(
            (tau - self.taumin) / self.deltatau() - f64_from_usize(self.tauorder / 2),
        .min(self.ntau - 1 - self.tauorder);

        let u_tau = (tau - self.gettau(k3)) / self.deltatau();

        let factor = if self.reweight {
            1.0 / (weightfun(ntuple.x1) * weightfun(ntuple.x2))
        } else {

        let size = self.tauorder + 1;
        let ny = self.ny;

        if self.grid.is_none() {
            self.itaumin = k3;
            self.itaumax = k3 + size;
        } else if k3 < self.itaumin || k3 + size > self.itaumax {
            self.increase_tau(self.itaumin.min(k3), self.itaumax.max(k3 + size));

        for i3 in 0..=self.tauorder {
            let fi3i3 = fi(i3, self.tauorder, u_tau);

            for (i1, fi1i1) in fi1.iter().enumerate() {
                for (i2, fi2i2) in fi2.iter().enumerate() {
                    let fillweight = factor * fi1i1 * fi2i2 * fi3i3 * ntuple.weight;

                    let grid = self
                        .get_or_insert_with(|| Array3::zeros((size, ny, ny)));

                    grid[[k3 + i3 - self.itaumin, k1 + i1, k2 + i2]] += fillweight;

    fn mu2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[Mu2]> {
            .map(|itau| {
                let q2 = fq2(self.gettau(itau));
                Mu2 { ren: q2, fac: q2 }

    fn x1_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {
        (0..self.ny).map(|iy| fx(self.gety(iy))).collect()

    fn x2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    fn merge(&mut self, other: &mut SubgridEnum, transpose: bool) {
        if let SubgridEnum::LagrangeSubgridV1(other_grid) = other {
            if let Some(other_grid_grid) = &mut other_grid.grid {
                if self.grid.is_some() {
                    let new_itaumin = self.itaumin.min(other_grid.itaumin);
                    let new_itaumax = self.itaumax.max(other_grid.itaumax);
                    let offset = other_grid.itaumin.saturating_sub(self.itaumin);

                    // TODO: we need much more checks here if there subgrids are compatible at all

                    if (self.itaumin != new_itaumin) || (self.itaumax != new_itaumax) {
                        self.increase_tau(new_itaumin, new_itaumax);

                    let self_grid = self.grid.as_mut().unwrap();

                    if transpose {
                        for ((i, k, j), value) in other_grid_grid.indexed_iter() {
                            self_grid[[i + offset, j, k]] += value;
                    } else {
                        for ((i, j, k), value) in other_grid_grid.indexed_iter() {
                            self_grid[[i + offset, j, k]] += value;
                } else {
                    self.grid = other_grid.grid.take();
                    self.itaumin = other_grid.itaumin;
                    self.itaumax = other_grid.itaumax;

                    if transpose {
                        if let Some(grid) = &mut self.grid {
                            grid.swap_axes(1, 2);
        } else {

    fn scale(&mut self, factor: f64) {
        if factor == 0.0 {
            self.grid = None;
        } else if let Some(self_grid) = &mut self.grid {
            self_grid.iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x *= factor);

    fn symmetrize(&mut self) {
        if let Some(grid) = self.grid.as_mut() {
            let (i_size, j_size, k_size) = grid.dim();

            for i in 0..i_size {
                for j in 0..j_size {
                    for k in j + 1..k_size {
                        grid[[i, j, k]] += grid[[i, k, j]];
                        grid[[i, k, j]] = 0.0;

    fn clone_empty(&self) -> SubgridEnum {
        Self {
            grid: None,
            ntau: self.ntau,
            ny: self.ny,
            yorder: self.yorder,
            tauorder: self.tauorder,
            itaumin: 0,
            itaumax: 0,
            reweight: self.reweight,
            ymin: self.ymin,
            ymax: self.ymax,
            taumin: self.taumin,
            taumax: self.taumax,

    fn iter(&self) -> SubgridIter {
            || Box::new(iter::empty()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = ((usize, usize, usize), &f64)>>,
            |grid| {
                        .filter(|&((_, _, _), value)| *value != 0.0),

    fn stats(&self) -> Stats {
        let (non_zeros, zeros) = self.grid.as_ref().map_or((0, 0), |array| {
            array.iter().fold((0, 0), |mut result, value| {
                if *value == 0.0 {
                    result.0 += 1;
                } else {
                    result.1 += 1;

        Stats {
            total: non_zeros + zeros,
            allocated: non_zeros + zeros,
            overhead: 0,
            bytes_per_value: mem::size_of::<f64>(),

/// Subgrid which uses Lagrange-interpolation.
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct LagrangeSubgridV2 {
    pub(crate) grid: Option<Array3<f64>>,
    pub(crate) ntau: usize,
    pub(crate) ny1: usize,
    pub(crate) ny2: usize,
    y1order: usize,
    y2order: usize,
    tauorder: usize,
    pub(crate) itaumin: usize,
    pub(crate) itaumax: usize,
    reweight1: bool,
    reweight2: bool,
    y1min: f64,
    y1max: f64,
    y2min: f64,
    y2max: f64,
    taumin: f64,
    taumax: f64,
    pub(crate) static_q2: f64,

impl LagrangeSubgridV2 {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(subgrid_params: &SubgridParams, extra_params: &ExtraSubgridParams) -> Self {
        Self {
            grid: None,
            ntau: subgrid_params.q2_bins(),
            ny1: subgrid_params.x_bins(),
            ny2: extra_params.x2_bins(),
            y1order: subgrid_params.x_order(),
            y2order: extra_params.x2_order(),
            tauorder: subgrid_params.q2_order(),
            itaumin: 0,
            itaumax: 0,
            reweight1: subgrid_params.reweight(),
            reweight2: extra_params.reweight2(),
            y1min: fy(subgrid_params.x_max()),
            y1max: fy(subgrid_params.x_min()),
            y2min: fy(extra_params.x2_max()),
            y2max: fy(extra_params.x2_min()),
            taumin: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_min()),
            taumax: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_max()),
            static_q2: 0.0,

    fn deltay1(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.y1max - self.y1min) / f64_from_usize(self.ny1 - 1)

    fn deltay2(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.y1max - self.y2min) / f64_from_usize(self.ny2 - 1)

    fn deltatau(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.taumax - self.taumin) / f64_from_usize(self.ntau - 1)

    fn gety1(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        if self.y1min == self.y1max {
            debug_assert_eq!(iy, 0);
        } else {
            f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltay1(), self.y1min)

    fn gety2(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        if self.y2min == self.y2max {
            debug_assert_eq!(iy, 0);
        } else {
            f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltay2(), self.y2min)

    fn gettau(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        if self.taumin == self.taumax {
            debug_assert_eq!(iy, 0);
        } else {
            f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltatau(), self.taumin)

    fn increase_tau(&mut self, new_itaumin: usize, new_itaumax: usize) {
        let min_diff = self.itaumin - new_itaumin;

        let mut new_grid = Array3::zeros((new_itaumax - new_itaumin, self.ny1, self.ny2));

        for ((i, j, k), value) in self.grid.as_ref().unwrap().indexed_iter() {
            new_grid[[i + min_diff, j, k]] = *value;

        self.itaumin = new_itaumin;
        self.itaumax = new_itaumax;

        mem::swap(&mut self.grid, &mut Some(new_grid));

impl Subgrid for LagrangeSubgridV2 {
    fn convolute(
        x1: &[f64],
        x2: &[f64],
        _: &[Mu2],
        lumi: &mut dyn FnMut(usize, usize, usize) -> f64,
    ) -> f64 {
        self.grid.as_ref().map_or(0.0, |grid| {
                .map(|((imu2, ix1, ix2), &sigma)| {
                    if sigma == 0.0 {
                    } else {
                        let mut value = sigma * lumi(ix1, ix2, imu2 + self.itaumin);
                        if self.reweight1 {
                            value *= weightfun(x1[ix1]);
                        if self.reweight2 {
                            value *= weightfun(x2[ix2]);

    fn fill(&mut self, ntuple: &Ntuple<f64>) {
        let y1 = fy(ntuple.x1);
        let y2 = fy(ntuple.x2);
        let tau = ftau(ntuple.q2);

        if self.static_q2 == 0.0 {
            self.static_q2 = ntuple.q2;
        } else if (self.static_q2 != -1.0) && (self.static_q2 != ntuple.q2) {
            self.static_q2 = -1.0;

        if (y2 < self.y2min)
            || (y2 > self.y2max)
            || (y1 < self.y1min)
            || (y1 > self.y1max)
            || (tau < self.taumin)
            || (tau > self.taumax)

        let k1 =
            usize_from_f64((y1 - self.y1min) / self.deltay1() - f64_from_usize(self.y1order / 2))
                .min(self.ny1 - 1 - self.y1order);
        let k2 =
            usize_from_f64((y2 - self.y2min) / self.deltay2() - f64_from_usize(self.y2order / 2))
                .min(self.ny2 - 1 - self.y2order);

        let u_y1 = (y1 - self.gety1(k1)) / self.deltay1();
        let u_y2 = (y2 - self.gety2(k2)) / self.deltay2();

        let fi1: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.y1order)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.y1order, u_y1))
        let fi2: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.y2order)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.y2order, u_y2))

        let k3 = usize_from_f64(
            (tau - self.taumin) / self.deltatau() - f64_from_usize(self.tauorder / 2),
        .min(self.ntau - 1 - self.tauorder);

        let u_tau = (tau - self.gettau(k3)) / self.deltatau();

        let factor = 1.0
            / (if self.reweight1 {
            } else {
            } * if self.reweight2 {
            } else {

        let size = self.tauorder + 1;
        let ny1 = self.ny1;
        let ny2 = self.ny2;

        if self.grid.is_none() {
            self.itaumin = k3;
            self.itaumax = k3 + size;
        } else if k3 < self.itaumin || k3 + size > self.itaumax {
            self.increase_tau(self.itaumin.min(k3), self.itaumax.max(k3 + size));

        for i3 in 0..=self.tauorder {
            let fi3i3 = fi(i3, self.tauorder, u_tau);

            for (i1, fi1i1) in fi1.iter().enumerate() {
                for (i2, fi2i2) in fi2.iter().enumerate() {
                    let fillweight = factor * fi1i1 * fi2i2 * fi3i3 * ntuple.weight;

                    let grid = self
                        .get_or_insert_with(|| Array3::zeros((size, ny1, ny2)));

                    grid[[k3 + i3 - self.itaumin, k1 + i1, k2 + i2]] += fillweight;

    fn mu2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[Mu2]> {
            .map(|itau| {
                let q2 = fq2(self.gettau(itau));
                Mu2 { ren: q2, fac: q2 }

    fn x1_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {
        (0..self.ny1).map(|iy| fx(self.gety1(iy))).collect()

    fn x2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {
        (0..self.ny2).map(|iy| fx(self.gety2(iy))).collect()

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    fn merge(&mut self, other: &mut SubgridEnum, transpose: bool) {
        if let SubgridEnum::LagrangeSubgridV2(other_grid) = other {
            if let Some(other_grid_grid) = &mut other_grid.grid {
                if self.grid.is_some() {
                    let new_itaumin = self.itaumin.min(other_grid.itaumin);
                    let new_itaumax = self.itaumax.max(other_grid.itaumax);
                    let offset = other_grid.itaumin.saturating_sub(self.itaumin);

                    // TODO: we need much more checks here if there subgrids are compatible at all

                    if (self.itaumin != new_itaumin) || (self.itaumax != new_itaumax) {
                        self.increase_tau(new_itaumin, new_itaumax);

                    if (other_grid.static_q2 == -1.0) || (self.static_q2 != other_grid.static_q2) {
                        self.static_q2 = -1.0;

                    let self_grid = self.grid.as_mut().unwrap();

                    if transpose {
                        for ((i, k, j), value) in other_grid_grid.indexed_iter() {
                            self_grid[[i + offset, j, k]] += value;
                    } else {
                        for ((i, j, k), value) in other_grid_grid.indexed_iter() {
                            self_grid[[i + offset, j, k]] += value;
                } else {
                    self.grid = other_grid.grid.take();
                    self.itaumin = other_grid.itaumin;
                    self.itaumax = other_grid.itaumax;
                    self.static_q2 = other_grid.static_q2;

                    if transpose {
                        if let Some(grid) = &mut self.grid {
                            grid.swap_axes(1, 2);
        } else {

    fn scale(&mut self, factor: f64) {
        if factor == 0.0 {
            self.grid = None;
        } else if let Some(self_grid) = &mut self.grid {
            self_grid.iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x *= factor);

    fn symmetrize(&mut self) {
        if let Some(grid) = self.grid.as_mut() {
            let (i_size, j_size, k_size) = grid.dim();

            for i in 0..i_size {
                for j in 0..j_size {
                    for k in j + 1..k_size {
                        grid[[i, j, k]] += grid[[i, k, j]];
                        grid[[i, k, j]] = 0.0;

    fn clone_empty(&self) -> SubgridEnum {
        Self {
            grid: None,
            ntau: self.ntau,
            ny1: self.ny1,
            ny2: self.ny2,
            y1order: self.y1order,
            y2order: self.y2order,
            tauorder: self.tauorder,
            itaumin: 0,
            itaumax: 0,
            reweight1: self.reweight1,
            reweight2: self.reweight2,
            y1min: self.y1min,
            y1max: self.y1max,
            y2min: self.y2min,
            y2max: self.y2max,
            taumin: self.taumin,
            taumax: self.taumax,
            static_q2: 0.0,

    fn iter(&self) -> SubgridIter {
            || Box::new(iter::empty()) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = ((usize, usize, usize), &f64)>>,
            |grid| {
                        .filter(|&((_, _, _), value)| *value != 0.0),

    fn stats(&self) -> Stats {
        let (non_zeros, zeros) = self.grid.as_ref().map_or((0, 0), |array| {
            array.iter().fold((0, 0), |mut result, value| {
                if *value == 0.0 {
                    result.0 += 1;
                } else {
                    result.1 += 1;

        Stats {
            total: non_zeros + zeros,
            allocated: non_zeros + zeros,
            overhead: 0,
            bytes_per_value: mem::size_of::<f64>(),

/// Subgrid which uses Lagrange-interpolation, but also stores its contents in a space-efficient
/// structure.
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct LagrangeSparseSubgridV1 {
    array: SparseArray3<f64>,
    ntau: usize,
    ny: usize,
    yorder: usize,
    tauorder: usize,
    reweight: bool,
    ymin: f64,
    ymax: f64,
    taumin: f64,
    taumax: f64,

impl LagrangeSparseSubgridV1 {
    /// Constructor.
    pub fn new(subgrid_params: &SubgridParams) -> Self {
        Self {
            array: SparseArray3::new(
            ntau: subgrid_params.q2_bins(),
            ny: subgrid_params.x_bins(),
            yorder: subgrid_params.x_order(),
            tauorder: subgrid_params.q2_order(),
            reweight: subgrid_params.reweight(),
            ymin: fy(subgrid_params.x_max()),
            ymax: fy(subgrid_params.x_min()),
            taumin: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_min()),
            taumax: ftau(subgrid_params.q2_max()),

    fn deltay(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.ymax - self.ymin) / f64_from_usize(self.ny - 1)

    fn deltatau(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.taumax - self.taumin) / f64_from_usize(self.ntau - 1)

    fn gety(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltay(), self.ymin)

    fn gettau(&self, iy: usize) -> f64 {
        f64_from_usize(iy).mul_add(self.deltatau(), self.taumin)

impl Subgrid for LagrangeSparseSubgridV1 {
    fn convolute(
        x1: &[f64],
        x2: &[f64],
        _: &[Mu2],
        lumi: &mut dyn FnMut(usize, usize, usize) -> f64,
    ) -> f64 {
            .map(|((imu2, ix1, ix2), sigma)| {
                let mut value = sigma * lumi(ix1, ix2, imu2);
                if self.reweight {
                    value *= weightfun(x1[ix1]) * weightfun(x2[ix2]);

    fn fill(&mut self, ntuple: &Ntuple<f64>) {
        let y1 = fy(ntuple.x1);
        let y2 = fy(ntuple.x2);
        let tau = ftau(ntuple.q2);

        if (y2 < self.ymin)
            || (y2 > self.ymax)
            || (y1 < self.ymin)
            || (y1 > self.ymax)
            || (tau < self.taumin)
            || (tau > self.taumax)

        let k1 = usize_from_f64((y1 - self.ymin) / self.deltay() - f64_from_usize(self.yorder / 2))
            .min(self.ny - 1 - self.yorder);
        let k2 = usize_from_f64((y2 - self.ymin) / self.deltay() - f64_from_usize(self.yorder / 2))
            .min(self.ny - 1 - self.yorder);

        let u_y1 = (y1 - self.gety(k1)) / self.deltay();
        let u_y2 = (y2 - self.gety(k2)) / self.deltay();

        let fi1: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.yorder)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.yorder, u_y1))
        let fi2: ArrayVec<_, 8> = (0..=self.yorder)
            .map(|i| fi(i, self.yorder, u_y2))

        let k3 = usize_from_f64(
            (tau - self.taumin) / self.deltatau() - f64_from_usize(self.tauorder / 2),
        .min(self.ntau - 1 - self.tauorder);

        let u_tau = (tau - self.gettau(k3)) / self.deltatau();

        let factor = if self.reweight {
            1.0 / (weightfun(ntuple.x1) * weightfun(ntuple.x2))
        } else {

        for i3 in 0..=self.tauorder {
            let fi3i3 = fi(i3, self.tauorder, u_tau);

            for (i1, fi1i1) in fi1.iter().enumerate() {
                for (i2, fi2i2) in fi2.iter().enumerate() {
                    let fillweight = factor * fi1i1 * fi2i2 * fi3i3 * ntuple.weight;

                    self.array[[k3 + i3, k1 + i1, k2 + i2]] += fillweight;

    fn mu2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[Mu2]> {
            .map(|itau| {
                let q2 = fq2(self.gettau(itau));
                Mu2 { ren: q2, fac: q2 }

    fn x1_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {
        (0..self.ny).map(|iy| fx(self.gety(iy))).collect()

    fn x2_grid(&self) -> Cow<[f64]> {

    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    fn merge(&mut self, other: &mut SubgridEnum, transpose: bool) {
        if let SubgridEnum::LagrangeSparseSubgridV1(other_grid) = other {
            if self.array.is_empty() && !transpose {
                mem::swap(&mut self.array, &mut other_grid.array);
            } else {
                // TODO: we need much more checks here if there subgrids are compatible at all

                if transpose {
                    for ((i, k, j), value) in other_grid.array.indexed_iter() {
                        self.array[[i, j, k]] += value;
                } else {
                    for ((i, j, k), value) in other_grid.array.indexed_iter() {
                        self.array[[i, j, k]] += value;
        } else {

    fn scale(&mut self, factor: f64) {
        if factor == 0.0 {
        } else {
            self.array.iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x *= factor);

    fn symmetrize(&mut self) {
        let mut new_array = SparseArray3::new(self.ntau, self.ny, self.ny);

        for ((i, j, k), &sigma) in self.array.indexed_iter().filter(|((_, j, k), _)| k >= j) {
            new_array[[i, j, k]] = sigma;
        for ((i, j, k), &sigma) in self.array.indexed_iter().filter(|((_, j, k), _)| k < j) {
            new_array[[i, k, j]] += sigma;

        mem::swap(&mut self.array, &mut new_array);

    fn clone_empty(&self) -> SubgridEnum {
        Self {
            array: SparseArray3::new(self.ntau, self.ny, self.ny),
            ntau: self.ntau,
            ny: self.ny,
            yorder: self.yorder,
            tauorder: self.tauorder,
            reweight: self.reweight,
            ymin: self.ymin,
            ymax: self.ymax,
            taumin: self.taumin,
            taumax: self.taumax,

    fn iter(&self) -> SubgridIter {

    fn stats(&self) -> Stats {
        Stats {
            total: self.ntau * self.ny * self.ny,
            allocated: self.array.len() + self.array.zeros(),
            zeros: self.array.zeros(),
            overhead: self.array.overhead(),
            bytes_per_value: mem::size_of::<f64>(),

impl From<&LagrangeSubgridV1> for LagrangeSparseSubgridV1 {
    fn from(subgrid: &LagrangeSubgridV1) -> Self {
        Self {
            array: subgrid.grid.as_ref().map_or_else(
                || SparseArray3::new(subgrid.ntau, subgrid.ny, subgrid.ny),
                |grid| SparseArray3::from_ndarray(grid, subgrid.itaumin, subgrid.ntau),
            ntau: subgrid.ntau,
            ny: subgrid.ny,
            yorder: subgrid.yorder,
            tauorder: subgrid.tauorder,
            reweight: subgrid.reweight,
            ymin: subgrid.ymin,
            ymax: subgrid.ymax,
            taumin: subgrid.taumin,
            taumax: subgrid.taumax,

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use float_cmp::assert_approx_eq;

    fn test_q2_slice_methods<G: Subgrid>(mut grid: G) -> G {
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.1,
            x2: 0.2,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.9,
            x2: 0.1,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.01,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,

        // the grid must not be empty

        let x1 = grid.x1_grid();
        let x2 = grid.x2_grid();
        let mu2 = grid.mu2_grid();

        let reference =
            grid.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));

        let mut test = 0.0;

        // check `reference` against manually calculated result from q2 slices
        for ((_, ix1, ix2), value) in grid.iter() {
            test += value * weightfun(x1[ix1]) * weightfun(x2[ix2]) / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]);

        eprintln!("{} {}", test, reference);

        assert_approx_eq!(f64, test, reference, ulps = 8);


    fn test_merge_method<G: Subgrid>(mut grid1: G, mut grid2: G, mut grid3: G)
        SubgridEnum: From<G>,
        grid1.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.1,
            x2: 0.2,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid1.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.9,
            x2: 0.1,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid1.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.01,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid1.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,


        let x1 = grid1.x1_grid().into_owned();
        let x2 = grid1.x2_grid().into_owned();
        let mu2 = grid1.mu2_grid().into_owned();

        let reference =
            grid1.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));

        // merge filled grid into empty one
        grid2.merge(&mut grid1.into(), false);

        let merged = grid2.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));

        assert_approx_eq!(f64, reference, merged, ulps = 8);

        grid3.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.1,
            x2: 0.2,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid3.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.9,
            x2: 0.1,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid3.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.01,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        grid3.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.009,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,

        grid2.merge(&mut grid3.into(), false);

        let merged = grid2.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));

        assert_approx_eq!(f64, 2.0 * reference, merged, ulps = 8);

    fn test_empty_subgrid<G: Subgrid>(mut grid: G) {
        // this following events should be skipped

        // q2 is too large
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.5,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 2e+8,
            weight: 1.0,
        // q2 is too small
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.5,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 5e+1,
            weight: 1.0,
        // x1 is too large
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 1.1,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 1e+3,
            weight: 1.0,
        // x1 is too small
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.5,
            x2: 1e-7,
            q2: 1e+3,
            weight: 1.0,
        // x1 is too large
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.5,
            x2: 1.1,
            q2: 1e+3,
            weight: 1.0,
        // x1 is too small
        grid.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 1e-7,
            x2: 0.5,
            q2: 1e+3,
            weight: 1.0,

        let x1 = grid.x1_grid();
        let x2 = grid.x2_grid();
        let mu2 = grid.mu2_grid();

        let result = grid.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |_, _, _| 1.0);

        assert_eq!(result, 0.0);

    fn q2_slice_v1() {
        let subgrid = test_q2_slice_methods(LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default()));

            Stats {
                total: 10000,
                allocated: 10000,
                zeros: 256,
                overhead: 0,
                bytes_per_value: 8

    fn q2_slice_v2() {
        let subgrid = test_q2_slice_methods(LagrangeSubgridV2::new(

            Stats {
                total: 10000,
                allocated: 10000,
                zeros: 256,
                overhead: 0,
                bytes_per_value: 8

    fn sparse_q2_slice() {
        let subgrid =

            Stats {
                total: 100000,
                allocated: 432,
                zeros: 176,
                overhead: 402,
                bytes_per_value: 8

    fn from() {
        // check conversion of empty grids
        let mut dense = LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());
        let sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::from(&dense);

        let mu2 = dense.mu2_grid().into_owned();
        let x1 = dense.x1_grid().into_owned();
        let x2 = dense.x2_grid().into_owned();

        assert_eq!(mu2, *sparse.mu2_grid());
        assert_eq!(x1, *sparse.x1_grid());
        assert_eq!(x2, *sparse.x2_grid());

        // check conversion of a filled grid
        dense.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.1,
            x2: 0.2,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,
        dense.fill(&Ntuple {
            x1: 0.9,
            x2: 0.1,
            q2: 90.0_f64.powi(2),
            weight: 1.0,


        let sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::from(&dense);

        let reference =
            dense.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));
        let converted =
            sparse.convolute(&x1, &x2, &mu2, &mut |ix1, ix2, _| 1.0 / (x1[ix1] * x2[ix2]));

        assert_approx_eq!(f64, reference, converted, ulps = 8);

    fn merge_dense_v1_with_sparse() {
        let mut dense = LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());
        let sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());

        dense.merge(&mut sparse.into(), false);

    fn merge_dense_v1_with_dense_v2() {
        let mut one = LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());
        let two = LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default());

        one.merge(&mut two.into(), false);

    fn merge_dense_v2_with_dense_v1() {
        let mut two =
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default());
        let one = LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());

        two.merge(&mut one.into(), false);

    fn merge_dense_v2_with_sparse() {
        let mut dense =
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default());
        let sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());

        dense.merge(&mut sparse.into(), false);

    fn merge_sparse_with_dense_v1() {
        let mut sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());
        let dense = LagrangeSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());

        sparse.merge(&mut dense.into(), false);

    fn merge_sparse_with_dense_v2() {
        let mut sparse = LagrangeSparseSubgridV1::new(&SubgridParams::default());
        let dense =
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default());

        sparse.merge(&mut dense.into(), false);

    fn merge_dense_v1() {

    fn merge_dense_v2() {
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default()),
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default()),
            LagrangeSubgridV2::new(&SubgridParams::default(), &ExtraSubgridParams::default()),

    fn merge_sparse() {

    fn empty_v1() {

    fn empty_v2() {

    fn empty_sparse() {