pinata-sdk 1.0.0

Rust SDK for the Pinata IPFS platform
use failure::Fail;
pub use failure::Error;

/// All possible error returned from this SDK defined as variants of this enum.
/// This also derives the failure::Fail trait, so it should be easier to handle and extend
/// in clients that also support this failure crate.
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum ApiError {
  /// Thrown when api_key passed to the [PinataApi](struct.PinataApi.html) is blank.
  #[fail(display = "Invalid api_key")]
  /// Throw when secret_api_key passed to the `PinataApi` is blank.
  #[fail(display = "Invalid secret_api_key")]
  /// A generic error with message on a possible failure while interacting with the api
  #[fail(display = "Error: {}", _0)]

impl From<reqwest::Error> for ApiError {
  fn from(req_err: reqwest::Error) -> ApiError {
    ApiError::GenericError(format!("{}", req_err))

impl From<std::io::Error> for ApiError {
  fn from(io_err: std::io::Error) -> ApiError {
    ApiError::GenericError(format!("{}", io_err))

impl From<walkdir::Error> for ApiError {
  fn from(io_err: walkdir::Error) -> ApiError {
    ApiError::GenericError(format!("{}", io_err))

impl From<std::path::StripPrefixError> for ApiError {
  fn from(io_err: std::path::StripPrefixError) -> ApiError {
    ApiError::GenericError(format!("{}", io_err))