pimalaya-email 0.9.0

Rust library to manage your emails.
* text=auto

*.rs rust diff=rust
Cargo.lock linguist-generated=false

# Older git versions try to fix line endings on images and fonts, this prevents it.
*.png binary
*.ico binary
*.woff binary
*.woff2 binary

# Source code

*.desktop text
*.json text
*.md text
*.nix text eol=lf
*.rs text
*.sh text eol=lf
.gitattributes text
.gitignore text

# Build stuff

*.TAG text
*.d text
*.ll text
build-script-build-script-build text
run-build-script-build-script-build text
stderr text
target/**/*output text
target/**/output-* text
target/debug/build/*/output text

# Not really "binary", but not text either.
*.cargo-lock binary
*.timestamp binary

# Binary stuff (build stuff)
*.a binary
*.bin binary
*.dll binary
*.exe binary
*.exp binary
*.lib binary
*.o binary
*.pdb binary
*.rlib binary
*.rmeta binary
*.toml text
*.txt text
*.yml text
/target/debug/.fingerprint/**/dep-* binary
/target/debug/.fingerprint/**/lib-* binary