pimalaya-email 0.15.0

# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

## [0.15.0] - 2023-08-27

### Added

- Added 3 new cargo features:
  - `pgp-commands`: enables the commands PGP backend (enabled by default, same behaviour as before)
  - `pgp-gpg`: enables the GPG backend (requires the `gpgme` lib on the system)
  - `pgp-native`: enables the native PGP backend
- Added `AccountConfig::pgp` of type `PgpConfig`.

### Changed

- Renamed project `email-lib` in order to make it generic.

### Fixed

- Fixed first time reading message not working [#97].

### Removed

- Removed `AccountConfig::email_writing_encrypt_cmd`.
- Removed `AccountConfig::email_reading_decrypt_cmd`.
- Removed `AccountConfig::email_writing_sign_cmd`.
- Removed `AccountConfig::email_reading_verify_cmd`.

## [0.14.0] - 2023-07-18

### Changed

- Changed the way folder aliases are resolved. They are now resolved directly from backend implementations, which frees interfaces from this responsibility [#95].
- Bumped `pimalaya_email_tpl@0.3.1`.

### Fixed

- Fixed absolute folder aliases for the maildir backend [#94].
- Fixed notmuch virtual folder [#92].

## [0.13.0] - 2023-07-09

### Changed

- Made the code async. Functions from the traits `Backend` and `Sender` are also async using the `async_trait` crate.
- Bumped `pimalaya_secret@0.0.5`.

## [0.12.0] - 2023-06-29

### Changed

- Moved `backend::sync` module to `account::sync`, and renamed all associated structures `Backend*` by `Account*`.
- Replaced `From` and `Into` implementations for flags and envelopes by custom functions.
- Prefixed email message template builders (new, reply and forward) setters by `with_` to match other builders of the codebase.
- Refactored folders structure, see the new API at <https://docs.rs/pimalaya-email/0.12.0/pimalaya_email/>.

### Removed

- Flattened `/domain` folder.
- Removed `Folder::delim` field.

## [0.11.0] - 2023-06-15

### Added

- Added `AccountConfig::email_listing_datetime_fmt` to customize envelopes datetime format. See format spec at <https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html>.
- Added `AccountConfig::email_listing_local_datetime` to transform envelopes datetime's timezone to the user's local one. For example, if the user's local is set to `UTC`, the envelope date `2023-06-15T09:00:00+02:00` becomes `2023-06-15T07:00:00-00:00`.

### Changed

- Changed `Envelope::date` from `DateTime<Local>` to `DateTime<FixedOffset>` in order to keep the original timezone. Timezone can be adjusted with the new option `AccountConfig::email_listing_local_datetime`.

### Fixed

- Fixed missing `<` and `>` around `Message-ID` and `In-Reply-To` headers.

## [0.10.0] - 2023-06-13

### Added

- Implemented OAuth 2.0 refresh token flow for IMAP and SMTP, which means that access tokens are now automatically refreshed.
- Added `OAuth2Config::redirect_host` and `OAuth2Config::redirect_port`, which means OAuth 2.0 redirect server host and port can be customized.

### Changed

- Changed `Backend` and `Sender` trait: functions now borrow `&self` as `mut`.
- Renamed `BackendSyncProgressEvent` events name.
- Renamed sync related structs by prefixing them with their domain. For example, `folder::sync::Cache` became `FolderSyncCache`.

### Removed

- Removed `ImapAuth`.
- Removed `Backend` derivations `Sync` and `Send`, because maintaining a session pool with `Mutex` was too much of a burden. Instead, backends can be duplicated using `BackendBuilder`. Behind the scene it just recreates a new backend with a new session.
- Removed `ImapBackendBuilder`.

## [0.9.0] - 2023-06-03

### Added

- Added IP support using `rustls` `v0.21` [#80].
- Added `AccountConfig::generate_tpl_interpreter` function to generate a template interpreter with default options based on the config (pgp encrypt, pgp verify and attachments dir).

### Changed

- Changed `AccountConfig::addr` return type from `lettre::Mailbox` to `mail_builder::Address`.
- Changed `AccountConfig::email_reading_headers` default values to `["From", "To", "Cc", "Subject"]`.
- Changed `AccountConfig::email_writing_headers` default values to `["From", "To", "In-Reply-To", "Cc", "Subject"]`.
- Removed noise around signature by trimming it.
- Changed `Email::parsed` return type from `mailparse::ParsedMail` to `mail_parser::Message`.
- Changed `Email::new_tpl_builder` return type from `Result<TplBuilder>` to `NewTplBuilder`.
- Renamed `Email::to_read_tpl_builder` to `Email::to_read_tpl` which returns now a `Result<Tpl>` directly.
- Changed `Email::to_reply_tpl_builder` return type from `Result<TplBuilder>` to `ReplyTplBuilder`.
- Changed `Email::to_forward_tpl_builder` return type from `Result<TplBuilder>` to `ForwardTplBuilder`.
- Renamed `backend::imap::Error::ListEnvelopesOutOfBounds` by `BuildPageRangeOutOfBoundsError`.
- Replaced [lettre] by [mail-send], [mailparse] by [mail-parser] and [maildir] by [maildirpp].
- Removed `native-tls` support, `rustls-tls` is now the only TLS provider available. Removed in consequence `native-tls`, `rustls-tls` and `rustls-native-certs` cargo features.

### Fixed

- Fixed notmuch path not being expanded correctly.
- Fixed `.notmuch` folder created by `notmuch new` command being treated as a folder. Because it is a folder starting by a dot, it was considered as a Maildir++ folder (which is not).
- Fixed IMAP pagination error when listing envelopes [#76].

## [0.8.0] - 2023-05-19

### Added

- Added OAuth 2.0 support for IMAP and SMTP [#9].
- Added [secret service] support via the [keyring] crate [#6].
- Added `ImapAuthConfig` struct that contains config related to OAuth 2.0. It also contains a `configure` method to set up client secret and store access token from redirect URL using [secret service].
- Added `AccountConfig::email_sending_save_copy` to save copy of sent email [#70].

### Changed

- Replaced `ImapConfig::passwd_cmd` with `ImapConfig::auth` which takes 2 variants:
  - `ImapAuthConfig::Passwd(PasswdConfig)` for password authentication
  - `ImapAuthConfig::OAuth2(OAuth2Config)` for OAuth 2.0 authentication
- Moved `backend::id_mapper` to the CLI crate.
- Renamed `EmailSender` to `Sender` and `AccountConfig::email_sender` to `AccountConfig::sender` in order to match `Backend`.
- Moved backend config to `AccountConfig::backend`. They do not need to be given separately to backend and sender builders.
- Changed `AccountConfig::*_cmd` from `String` to `pimalaya_process::Cmd`.

### Fixed

- Fixed synchronization deadlock due to IMAP watch commands not properly executed [#61].

### Removed

- Removed `rustls-native-certs` cargo feature, it is now included by default within the `rustls-tls` cargo feature.
- Removed `Backend::*_internal` functions, no more aliases are used within the lib [#38].

## [0.7.0] - 2023-05-01

### Added

- Initiated `.gitattributes` file [patch#4].
- Added new account option `sync_folders_strategy` which allows to choose a folders synchronization strategy:
  - `Strategy::All`: synchronize all existing folders
  - `Strategy::Include`: synchronize only the given folders
  - `Strategy::Exclude`: synchronizes all folders except the given ones
- Added warning message when `process::run` exit code is not `0` [patch#6].
- Added `vendored` feature (linked to the `native-tls/vendored` one).

### Changed

- Changed the way `Flag::Custom` is used: in order to have a more unified API across backends, the custom variant is only used when receiving data (not anymore when parsing data from backends). Therefore custom flags are not synchronized anymore (because custom flags are not supported by the Maildir backend).
- Returns an error if `BackendSyncBuilder::sync` cannot acquire the lock in order to avoid processes to block each other infinitely [patch#7].
- Made `rustls` the default feature over `native-tls` to improve compatibility among operating systems.

### Fixed

- Fixed date parsing using the [mail-parser] crate [#44].
- Fixed Cc addresses when replying all [#46].
- Clarified header/value trace logs [patch#2].
- Fixed default `imap-notify-cmd` placeholders not being replaced [patch#3].
- Fixed IMAP session pool errors [#50].
- Fixed wrong recipient when from = sender [#52].
- Fixed invalid `ProcessEnvelopesPatch` length [#57].
- Fixed the process.rs' `pipe` function so it returns exit code correctly [patch#5].
- Fixed notmuch folders management [#45].

### Removed

- Removed `serde::Serialize` trait from structures and `serde` deps.
- Removed variant `Recent` from flag.
- Removed `Flag::to_symbols_string`: the responsibility shifted client side.

## [0.6.0] - 2023-02-14

### Added

- Added ability to synchronize specific folders only [#37].
- Added `Backend::expunge` function that definitely removes emails with the `Deleted` flag.
- Added `Backend::mark_emails_as_deleted` function with a default implementation that adds the `Deleted` flag.

### Changed

- Changed the way emails are deleted. `Backend::delete_emails` now moves the email to the `Trash` folder (or to the corresponding alias from the config file). If the target folder is the `Trash` folder, it will instead add the `Deleted` flag. Emails are removed with the `Backend::expunge` function.

### Fixed

- Fixed `ImapBackend::list_envelopes` pagination.
- Fixed synchronization issues for emails without `Message-ID` header by using the `Date` header instead.
- Fixed maildir backend perfs issues by enabling the `mmap` feature of the `maildir` crate.
### Removed

- Removed the `maildir-backend` cargo feature, it is now included by default.

## [0.5.1] - 2023-02-08

### Fixed

- Fixed `notmuch` backend compilation error on rustc `v1.67+`.

## [0.5.0] - 2023-02-07

### Added

- Made backend functions accept a vector of id instead of a single id [#20].
- Added function `Backend::purge_folder` that removes all emails inside a folder.
- Added new `Backend` functions using the internal id:
  - `get_envelope_internal`: gets an envelope by its internal id
  - `add_email_internal`: adds an email and returns its internal id
  - `get_emails_internal`: gets emails by their internal id
  - `copy_emails_internal`: copies emails by their internal id
  - `move_emails_internal`: copies emails by their internal id
  - `delete_emails_internal`: copies emails by their internal id
  - `add_flags_internal`: adds emails flags by their internal id
  - `set_flags_internal`: set emails flags by their internal id
  - `remove_flags_internal`: removes emails flags by their internal id
- Added emails synchronization feature. Backends that implement the `ThreadSafeBackend` trait inherit the `sync` function that synchronizes all folders and emails with a local `Maildir` instance.
- Added `Backend::sync` function and link `ThreadSafeBackend::sync` to it for the IMAP and the Maildir backends.
- Added the ability to URL encode Maildir folders (in order to fix path collisions, for eg `[Gmail]/Sent`). Also added a `MaildirBackendBuilder` to facilitate the usage of the `url_encoded_folders` option.
- Added a process lock for `ThreadSafeBackend::sync`, this way only one synchronization can be performed at a time (for a same account).

### Fixed

- Used native IMAP commands `copy` and `mv`.
- Fixed maildir date envelope parsing.
- Fixed inline attachments not collected.

### Changed

- Improved `Backend` method names. Also replaced the `self mut` by a `RefCell`.
- Simplified the `Email` struct: there is no custom implementation with custom fields. Now, the `Email` struct is just a wrapper around `mailparse::ParsedMail`.
- Improved `Flag` structures.
- Changed `Backend` trait functions due to [#20]:
  - `list_envelope` => `list_envelopes`
  - `search_envelope` => `search_envelopes`
  - `get_email` => `get_emails`, takes now `ids: Vec<&str>` and returns an `Emails` structure instead of an `Email`
  - `copy_email` => `copy_emails`, takes now `ids: Vec<&str>`.
  - `move_email` => `move_emails`, takes now `ids: Vec<&str>`.
  - `delete_email` => `delete_emails`, takes now `ids: Vec<&str>`.
  - `add_flags` takes now `ids: Vec<&str>` and `flags: &Flags`.
  - `set_flags` takes now `ids: Vec<&str>` and `flags: &Flags`.
  - `remove_flags` takes now `ids: Vec<&str>` and `flags: &Flags`.

### Removed

- The `email::Tpl` structure moved to its [own repository]https://git.sr.ht/~soywod/mime-msg-builder.
- Encryption and signing moved with the `email::Tpl` in its own repository.

## [0.4.0] - 2022-10-12

### Added

- Added pipe support for `(imap|smtp)-passwd-cmd`.
- Added `imap-ssl` and `smtp-ssl` options to be able to disable encryption.
- Implemented sendmail sender.
- Fixed `process` module for `MINGW*`.

### Changed

- Moved `Email::fold_text_plain_parts` to `Parts::to_readable`. It take now a `PartsReaderOptions` as parameter:
  - `plain_first`: shows plain texts first, switch to html if empty.
  - `sanitize`: sanitizes or not text bodies (both plain and html).

### Fixed

- Fixed long subject decoding issue.
- Fixed bad mailbox name encoding from UTF7-IMAP.

## [0.3.1] - 2022-10-10

### Changed

- Renamed `EmailSendCmd` into `SendmailConfig`.
- Renamed `EmailSender::Cmd` into `EmailSender::Sendmail`.

### Fixed

- Fixed broken tests

### Removed

- Removed useless dependency `toml` [patch#1].
## [0.3.0] - 2022-10-10

### Changed

- Renamed `DEFAULT_DRAFT_FOLDER` to `DEFAULT_DRAFTS_FOLDER` to be more consistant with IMAP folder names.
- Changed licence to `MIT`.
- Renamed feature `internal-sender` to `smtp-sender`.
### Fixed

- Fixed folder name case (because IMAP folders are case sensitive).

## [0.2.1] - 2022-09-29

### Changed

- Removed notmuch from the default features.

## [0.2.0] - 2022-09-28

### Changed

- Unwrapped folders and envelopes from struct:

  // Before
  pub struct Envelopes {
	  pub envelopes: Vec<Envelope>,
  // After
  pub struct Envelopes(pub Vec<Envelope>);

- Renamed `TplOverride::sig` to `TplOverride::signature`.
- Upgraded Nix deps.

### Fixed

- Fixed imap backend pagination overflow.

## [0.1.0] - 2022-09-22

First official version of the Himalaya's library. The source code mostly comes from the [CLI](https://github.com/soywod/himalaya) repository.

[keyring]: https://crates.io/crates/keyring
[lettre]: https://github.com/lettre/lettre
[mail-parser]: https://github.com/stalwartlabs/mail-parser
[mail-send]: https://github.com/stalwartlabs/mail-send
[maildir]: https://github.com/staktrace/maildir
[maildirpp]: https://crates.io/crates/maildirpp
[secret service]: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/secret-service/latest/

[patch#1]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/himalaya-lib/patches/35686
[patch#2]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39136
[patch#3]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39154
[patch#4]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39189
[patch#5]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39215
[patch#6]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39215
[patch#7]: https://lists.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/patches/39261

[#6]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/6
[#9]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/9
[#20]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/20
[#37]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/37
[#38]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/38
[#44]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/44
[#45]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/45
[#46]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/46
[#50]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/50
[#52]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/52
[#57]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/57
[#61]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/61
[#70]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/70
[#76]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/76
[#80]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/80
[#92]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/92
[#94]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/94
[#95]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/95
[#97]: https://todo.sr.ht/~soywod/pimalaya/97