pilka 0.7.11

Another live-coding tool for creating shaders demos.
# pilka 🔩


Pilka is a cross-platform live-coding tool for creating shader\* demos,
similar to [Bonzomatic](https://github.com/Gargaj/Bonzomatic), [KodeLife](https://hexler.net/products/kodelife) or [sh4der-jockey](https://github.com/slerpyyy/sh4der-jockey).

Available features:

- [x] Hot-reload
- [x] Saving shaders
- [x] Taking screenshot
- [x] Record video
- [x] Compute pipeline for post processing


## How

In current state `pilka` tries to seek `shaders` folder with the files
`shader.vert` and `shader.frag`, on fail `pilka` will generate
default setup for you. Then open shader in your favourite code editor (VS,
emacs, vim, ed etc.) and `pilka` would fetch changes after each save.

## Controls

- <kbd>F1</kbd>: Print help
- <kbd>F2</kbd>: Toggle play/pause
- <kbd>F3</kbd>: Pause and step back one frame
- <kbd>F4</kbd>: Pause and step forward one frame
- <kbd>F5</kbd>: Restart playback at frame 0 (`Time` and `Pos` = 0)
- <kbd>F6</kbd>: Print parameters
- <kbd>F7</kbd>: Toggle profiler
- <kbd>F8</kbd>: Switch backend
- <kbd>F10</kbd>: Save shaders
- <kbd>F11</kbd>: Take Screenshot
- <kbd>F12</kbd>: Start/Stop record video
- <kbd>ESC</kbd>: Exit the application
- <kbd>Arrows</kbd>: Change `Pos`

## Parameters


| name          | type    | range   |
| ------------- | ------- | ------- |
| position      | vec3    | (-∞, ∞) |
| time          | float   | [0, ∞)  |
| resolution    | vec2    | [0, a]  |
| mouse         | vec2    | [-1, 1] |
| mouse_pressed | bool    |         |
| frame         | uint    |         |
| time_delta    | float   |         |
| record_period | float   |         |
| prev_frame    | texture |         |

## Flags

 - `--record f32` - Specify duration of recorded video
 - `--size u32xu32` - Specify window size and lock from resizing
 - `--wgsl` - Creates template for `wgsl` shaders

## Choosing backend

You can select which backend to start with with the `PILKA_BACKEND` variable.
Currently two backends are available: "wgpu" and "ash". If the value of the
variable is incorrect, the default backend "wgpu" will be rolled back.

## Requirements

Vulkan SDK is required.

On recent macOS, to allow sound input to be captured (for FFT textures to
be generated), you need to: Open up System Preferences, click on Security
& Privacy, click on the Privacy tab then click on the Microphone menu item.
Make sure `pilka` is in the list and ticked...
erm, probably. I don't have macOS.

## Installation

cargo install pilka

You also can install the application by to downloading the source code
and build locally.

# or through ssh git@github.com:pudnax/pilka.git
git clone https://github.com/pudnax/pilka.git
cd pilka
cargo install --path .

## Dependencies

[winit](https://crates.io/crates/winit) is the "default" window library in Rust ecosystem. And it covers
the most of cross-platform issues for you.

[png](https://crates.io/crates/png) is used to encode screenshots into png files.

[notify](https://crates.io/crates/notify) is a file watcher and maintains the hot-reload.

[shaderc](https://crates.io/crates/shaderc) is used to compile GLSL shaders on the runtime instead of opening
a process with glslc or glslangValidator. I hope to switch to [naga](https://crates.io/crates/naga) soon,
when it's mature enough.

[ash](https://crates.io/crates/ash) is a Vulkan bindings. I choose `ash` because I see `pilka` as a
learning project and want to touch the maximum untouched Vulkan. For the
same reason I didn't use `vulkano`, `erupt`, `vulkanism`, `vkvk`.

[wgpu](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu) is save GPU abstraction over different graphics API like
Vulkan, Metal, OpenGL and used for primary backend aside of `ash`.

[puffin](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/puffin) is scoped profiler written in Rust by [EmbarkStudios](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios) and I baked it to `pilka` for fast performance checking.

[pollster](https://github.com/zesterer/pollster) is smol blocking executor and needed for eliminating
async `wgpu` API.

**Ffmpeg** is used to record videos. For my concerns it's
temporary solution after which I switch to [rav1e](https://github.com/xiph/rav1e) on it's release.

### Places of inspiration (from where I steal code):

- [piet-gpu]https://github.com/linebender/piet-gpu
- https://github.com/w23/OpenSource

## Examples
You can run any example by executing `pilka` inside of the folder
cd examples/cube
cargo run

| cube                                                | cellular automata                                               | line segment                                      |
| ![cube]./examples/cube/cube.gif                   | ![automata]./examples/cellular_automata/cellular-automata.gif | ![line]./examples/line_segment/line-segment.png |
| dithering                                           | circle pattern                                                  | menger sponge                                     |
| ![dithering]./examples/dithering/dithering.png    | ![pattern]./examples/circle_pattern/circle-pattern.png        | ![spoonge]./examples/menger_sponge/sponge.jpg   |
| path tracer                                         | lasers                                                          | oblique slices                                    |
| ![tracer]./examples/path_tracer/path_tracer.png   | ![lasers]./examples/laser/laser.png                           | ![slices]./examples/slices/slices.png           |