piconbiere 0.3.1

Scrape and download media from Piccoma/ピッコマ
# "Block" style results in smaller diffs and less rightward drift.
indent_style    = "Block"
imports_indent  = "Block"
imports_layout  = "Mixed"

# Line width.
max_width              = 80   # Who need more than 80 characters?.
error_on_line_overflow = true # Error if unable to respect max_width

# Comment.
comment_width      = 80      # Same as max_width.
wrap_comments      = true    # Break comments to fit on the line.
normalize_comments = true    # Convert /* */ comments to // comments

# Bracing (same line).
brace_style         = "SameLineWhere"
control_brace_style = "AlwaysSameLine"

# Alphabetical ordering FTW.
reorder_imports = true

# Horizontal spacing.
space_after_colon                 = true   # One space after a colon.
space_before_colon                = false  # No space before a colon.
type_punctuation_density          = "Wide" # Spaces around + and = in types.
spaces_around_ranges              = false  # No spaces within empty ()/[].

# Vertical spacing.
blank_lines_lower_bound = 0 # No minimum required.
blank_lines_upper_bound = 1 # One line maximum.

# Structure.
struct_lit_single_line = true    # Keep small struct literals on a single line.
struct_field_align_threshold = 0 # Don't align structures fields.

# Blocks (always use for multiline).
match_arm_blocks       = true
force_multiline_blocks = true

# Trailing comma/semicolon.
trailing_semicolon         = true       # Add after break, continue and return.
trailing_comma             = "Vertical" # Add only in vertical lists.
match_block_trailing_comma = true       # Always add a trailing comma.

# Tab characters.
tab_spaces = 4     # A tab character is four spaces.
hard_tabs  = false # Don't use tab characters for indentation.

# Misc.
newline_style        = "Unix"     # Only use Unix line endings.
format_strings       = false      # Manual split for long strings.
fn_single_line       = false      # No special case for single line functions.
binop_separator      = "Front"    # When split, put binary operators in front.
use_try_shorthand    = true       # Replace try! macro by ? shorthand.
merge_derives        = true       # Merge multiple derives into a single one.
force_explicit_abi   = true       # Always print the abi for extern items.
condense_wildcard_suffixes = true # Use .. instead of several _ in tuple.

# No strong opinion on these ones: just use the defaults.
color                  = "Auto"
combine_control_expr   = true
empty_item_single_line = true
where_single_line      = false