picoborgrev 0.1.0

A controller library for PiBorg's PicoBorg Reverse motor driver board designed for use with the Raspberry Pi

Build Status


This module is designed to communicate with the PicoBorg Reverse via Rust and the embedded-hal traits.

See the PiBorg website at www.piborg.org/picoborgreverse for more details on the PicoBorgRev board.

Note: This is still a work in progress and the API should not be considered stable until the 1.0 release.


The first step is to add picoborgrev to your cargo.toml file:

picoborgrev = "0.1"

Then in your module you then need to import the crate:

extern crate picoborgrev;

use picoborgrev::PicoBorgRev;

To create a new PicoBorgRev controller you will need to supply an embedded-hal implementation such as linux-embedded-hal:

extern crate linux_embedded_hal;

use linux_embedded_hal::I2cdev;
use std::path::Path;

let device = I2cdev::new(Path::new("/dev/i2c-1")).expect("Unable to create i2c device");

Finally create a new PicoBorgRev supplying the I2C implementation:

let mut borg = PicoBorgRev::new(device).expect("Unable to create PicoBorgRev");
