pico-streaming 0.1.4

Unofficial Rust bindings and wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers


Streams gap-less data from Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers.

This is a sub crate that you probably don't want to use directly. Try the top level pico-sdk crate which exposes everything from here.

Once streaming is started, a PicoStreamingDevice returns StreamingEvents. The possible events and Connected, Disconnected and Data. The Data event contains raw Vec<i16> samples for each enabled channel that can easily be scaled to the channel units (ie. Volts, Amps, etc).


// Get a streaming device from a configured PicoDevice
let stream_device = device.to_streaming_device();

// Subscribe to streaming events on a background thread
let _stream_subscription = stream_device
    .subscribe_on_thread(Box::new(move |event| {
        // Handle the data event
        if let StreamingEvent::Data { length, samples_per_second, channels } = event
            // iterate though the channels
            for (ch, raw_block) in channels.iter() {
                // Scale all the raw samples
                let scaled_samples: Vec<f32> = raw_block.scale_samples();

// Start streaming with a sample rate of 1k

License: MIT