pico-driver 0.3.1

Unofficial Rust bindings and wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers


Common, safe wrappers for Pico Technology oscilloscope drivers.

This is a sub crate that you probably don't want to use directly. Try the top level pico-sdk crate which exposes everything from here.

Each Pico Technology oscilloscope relies on a native driver for communication and this driver will vary depending on the device product range. Each of these drivers has an interface which differs by either a few function arguments or a vastly differing API.

PS2000Driver, PS2000ADriver, PS3000ADriver, PS4000Driver, PS4000ADriver, PS5000ADriver, PS6000Driver and PS6000ADriver wrap their corresponding loaders and expose a safe, common API by implementing the PicoDriver trait. These can be constructed with a Resolution which tells the wrapper where to resolve the dynamic library from. The LoadDriverExt trait supplies a shortcut to load a driver directly from the Driver enum via try_load and try_load_with_resolution.


Using the raw safe bindings to open and configure the first available device:

use pico_common::{ChannelConfig, Driver, PicoChannel, PicoCoupling, PicoInfo, PicoRange};
use pico_driver::{LoadDriverExt, Resolution};

// Load the ps2000 driver library with the default resolution
let driver = Driver::PS2000.try_load()?;
// Load the ps4000a driver library from the applications root directory
let driver = Driver::PS4000A.try_load_with_resolution(&Resolution::AppRoot)?;

// Open the first device
let handle = driver.open_unit(None)?;
let variant = driver.get_unit_info(handle, PicoInfo::VARIANT_INFO)?;

let ch_config = ChannelConfig {
    coupling: PicoCoupling::DC,
    range: PicoRange::X1_PROBE_2V,
    offset: 0.0

driver.enable_channel(handle, PicoChannel::A, &ch_config)?;

License: MIT