pic32-config-sector 0.1.2

Calculate constant values for PIC32 configuration words


Crates.io docs.rs

Calculate constant values for PIC32 configuration words.

This crate defines const structures that can be used to calculate values of configuration words to be stored in the configuration word section of a Flash memory image for PIC32 microcontrollers. The build() method returns a constant struct to be output to the configuration word section (typically .configsfrs).


use pic32_config_sfrs::pic32mx2xx::*;

#[link_section = ".configsfrs"]
pub static CONFIGSFRS: ConfigSector = ConfigSector::default()

To support multiple variants of the PIC32 MCU, multiple modules are provided. The following modules exist:

Module PIC32 variant used .edc file
pic32mx1xx PIC32MX1xx PIC32MX170F256B.PIC
pic32mx2xx PIC32MX2xx PIC32MX270F256B.PIC
pic32mx1x4 PIC32MX1x4 (XLP) PIC32MX174F256B.PIC
pic32mx2x4 PIC32MX2x4 (XLP) PIC32MX274F256B.PIC
pic32mzef PIC32MZEF PIC32MZ2048EFM144.PIC

The const builder structs are machine generated from XML files distributed by Microchip as part of their Device Support Packs under the Apache-2 license. The names of the used files are indicated in the above table.