piano_keyboard 0.2.3

Provides graphical representation of a piano keyboard
extern crate piano_keyboard;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::Path;

use clap::value_t;
use clap::crate_version;
use clap::{App, Arg};
use png;
use png::HasParameters;

use crate::piano_keyboard::KeyboardBuilder;

pub fn usage() -> clap::ArgMatches<'static> {
    App::new("piano_keyboard demo")
        .about("Example for piano_keyboard")
                .help("Set width of keyboard"),
                .help("Select left white key"),
                .help("Select right white key"),
                .help("No gaps between black and white keys"),
                .help("Select 88 key Piano like Roland A88"),
                .help("Select 64 key Piano like Roland RD-64"),

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let matches = usage();

    let width = value_t!(matches, "width", u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());

    let mut left_key = value_t!(matches, "left", u8).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
    let mut right_key = value_t!(matches, "right", u8).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());

    if matches.is_present("RD64") {
        left_key = 21 + 12;
        right_key = 108 - 12;
    if matches.is_present("A88") {
        left_key = 21;
        right_key = 108;

    let keyboard = KeyboardBuilder::new()
        .set_width(width as u16)?
        .set_most_left_right_white_keys(left_key, right_key)?

    let height = keyboard.height as u32;

    let path = Path::new(r"keyboard.png");
    let file = File::create(path).unwrap();
    let ref mut w = BufWriter::new(file);

    let mut encoder = png::Encoder::new(w, width, height);
    let mut writer = encoder.write_header().unwrap();

    let mut data = vec![0; (4 * width * height) as usize];

    for x in 0..width {
        for y in 0..height {
            let i = ((y * width + x) * 4) as usize;
            data[i] = 150;
            data[i + 1] = 150;
            data[i + 2] = 150;
            data[i + 3] = 255;

    for (color, rectangles) in vec![
            vec![255, 255, 255, 255],
        (vec![0, 0, 0, 255], keyboard.black_keys().into_iter()),
        for rect in rectangles.into_iter() {
            for x in rect.x..(rect.x + rect.width) {
                for y in rect.y..(rect.y + rect.height) {
                    let i = ((y as u32 * width + x as u32) * 4) as usize;
                    for (j, c) in color.iter().enumerate() {
                        data[i + j] = *c;


    println!("Dimension: {}*{}", height, width);

    if keyboard.is_perfect() {
        println!("This is a perfect keyboard");
    } else {
        println!("This is not a perfect keyboard");
