physx 0.7.0

High-level Rust interface for Nvidia PhysX
# `physx-rs` Changelog

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## [Unreleased]

### Changed

## [0.7.0] - 2020-06-29

- [PR#72] Upgrade `glam` to 0.9. This includes a change of `Vec3` internal representation from 32-byte SIMD type to 24-byte 3x floats.

## [0.6.1] - 2020-06-02

### Added

- [PR#66] minor change to take the fact that the internal pointer type may differ across platforms into account.

## [0.6.0] - 2020-05-07

### Changed

- [PR#59] made `cmake` into an optional, non-default, dependency for building the C++ code, in favor of just using the `cc` crate. CMake can be enabled via the `use-cmake` feature.
- [PR#59] added a `structgen` feature flag, to make the creation of the C++ executable that generates the Rust bindings for the C++ code optional, as the generated code is now checked in and should only need to be updated when PhysX itself is updated.

## [0.5.1] - 2020-03-04

### Changed

- Restored a way to create a PxScene without a Scene wrapper.

## [0.5.0] - 2020-03-04

### Added

- Character controller wrapper, character manager available via Scene.

### Changed

- Ability to not run the default filter shader before the callback.
- Fix for triangle mesh data when using glam with SSE enabled
