physx 0.18.0

High-level Rust interface for Nvidia PhysX
// Author: Tom Olsson <>
// Copyright © 2019, Embark Studios, all rights reserved.
// Created: 29 April 2019


use crate::{
    traits::{Class, UserData},

use std::{marker::PhantomData, ptr::drop_in_place};

use physx_sys::{

bitflags::bitflags! {
    /// Layers used for collision/querying of shapes
    pub struct CollisionLayers: u32 {
        const Ghost = 1 << 0;
        const Terrain = 1 << 1;
        const Static = 1 << 2;
        const Character = 1 << 3;

pub use physx_sys::{PxShapeFlag as ShapeFlag, PxShapeFlags as ShapeFlags};

/// A new type wrapper for PxShape.  Parametrized by it's user data type,
/// and the type of it's Material.
pub struct PxShape<U, M: Material> {
    pub(crate) obj: physx_sys::PxShape,
    phantom_user_data: PhantomData<(U, M)>,

unsafe impl<U, M: Material> UserData for PxShape<U, M> {
    type UserData = U;

    fn user_data_ptr(&self) -> &*mut std::ffi::c_void {

    fn user_data_ptr_mut(&mut self) -> &mut *mut std::ffi::c_void {
        &mut self.obj.userData

impl<U, M: Material> Drop for PxShape<U, M> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            for material in self.get_materials_mut() {
                drop_in_place(material as *mut _);
            use crate::base::RefCounted;

unsafe impl<S, U, M: Material> Class<S> for PxShape<U, M>
    physx_sys::PxShape: Class<S>,
    fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const S {

    fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut S {

unsafe impl<U: Send, M: Material + Send> Send for PxShape<U, M> {}
unsafe impl<U: Sync, M: Material + Send> Sync for PxShape<U, M> {}

impl<U, M: Material> Shape for PxShape<U, M> {
    type Material = M;

pub trait Shape: Class<physx_sys::PxShape> + UserData {
    type Material: Material;

    /// # Safety
    /// Owner's own the pointer they wrap, using the pointer after dropping the Owner,
    /// or creating multiple Owners from the same pointer will cause UB.  Use `into_ptr` to
    /// retrieve the pointer and consume the Owner without dropping the pointee.
    unsafe fn from_raw(
        ptr: *mut physx_sys::PxShape,
        user_data: Self::UserData,
    ) -> Option<Owner<Self>> {
        unsafe {
            let shape = (ptr as *mut Self).as_mut();

    /// Get a reference to the user data.
    fn get_user_data(&self) -> &Self::UserData {
        // Safety: all construction goes through from_raw, which calls init_user_data
        unsafe { UserData::get_user_data(self) }

    /// Get a mutable reference to the user data.
    fn get_user_data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::UserData {
        // Safety: all construction goes through from_raw, which calls init_user_data
        unsafe { UserData::get_user_data_mut(self) }

    /// Set the simulation (collision) filter of this shape
    fn set_simulation_filter_data(
        &mut self,
        this_layers: CollisionLayers,
        other_layers: CollisionLayers,
        word3: u32,
        word4: u32,
    ) {
        let mut data = unsafe { PxFilterData_new_1() };
        data.word0 = this_layers.bits();
        data.word1 = other_layers.bits();
        data.word2 = word3;
        data.word3 = word4;

        unsafe { PxShape_setSimulationFilterData_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), &data) }

    /// Read the collision filter data of this shape
    fn get_simulation_filter_data(&self) -> PxFilterData {
        unsafe { PxShape_getSimulationFilterData(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Set the query filter of this shape
    fn set_query_filter_data(&mut self, this_layers: CollisionLayers) {
        let mut data = unsafe { PxFilterData_new_1() };
        data.word0 = this_layers.bits();
        data.word1 = 0;
        data.word2 = 0;
        data.word3 = 0;

        unsafe { PxShape_setQueryFilterData_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), &data) }

    /// Read the query filter data of this shape
    fn get_query_filter_data(&self) -> PxFilterData {
        unsafe { PxShape_getQueryFilterData(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Get the number of materials associated with this shape
    fn get_nb_materials(&self) -> u16 {
        unsafe { PxShape_getNbMaterials(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Get a vector of all materials associated with this shape
    fn get_materials(&self) -> Vec<&Self::Material> {
        unsafe {
            let capacity = self.get_nb_materials();
            let mut buffer: Vec<&Self::Material> = Vec::with_capacity(capacity as usize);
            let len = PxShape_getMaterials(
                buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut *mut _,
                capacity as u32,
            buffer.set_len(len as usize);

    /// Get a mut vector of all materials associated with this shape
    fn get_materials_mut(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Self::Material> {
        unsafe {
            let capacity = self.get_nb_materials();
            let mut buffer: Vec<&mut Self::Material> = Vec::with_capacity(capacity as usize);
            let len = PxShape_getMaterials(
                buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut *mut _,
                capacity as u32,
            buffer.set_len(len as usize);

    /// Toggle a flag on this shape
    fn set_flag(&mut self, flag: ShapeFlag, enable: bool) {
        unsafe { PxShape_setFlag_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), flag, enable) }

    /// Sets the flags on this shape to the specified bitset
    fn set_flags(&mut self, flags: ShapeFlags) {
        unsafe { PxShape_setFlags_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), flags) }