physx 0.16.0

High-level Rust interface for Nvidia PhysX
use std::{ffi::c_void, mem::size_of};

/// UserData allows easy access and initialization of userData *mut c_void fields on Px objects.
/// Not all Px objects with user data expose them as a field, so not all objects with user data can use this.
/// # Safety
/// all constructors of implementing types must call `init_user_data` during construction.
/// If this does not happen, calling get_user_data or get_user_data_mut may return garbage data, or
/// dereference an invalid pointer.  If UserData is larger than a *mut ptr it will be stored on the heap,
/// and it may need to be explicitly dropped by turning the field back into a Box and droppig it.
/// If UserData implements Drop, this may be as simple as calling `get_user_data_mut` and then calling drop(),
/// but implementation is left to the concrete type's Drop impl.
pub unsafe trait UserData: Sized {
    type UserData;
    /// Returns a reference to the userData field
    fn user_data_ptr(&self) -> &*mut c_void;
    /// Returns a mutable reference to the userData field.
    fn user_data_ptr_mut(&mut self) -> &mut *mut c_void;

    unsafe fn init_user_data(&mut self, user_data: Self::UserData) -> &mut Self {
        if size_of::<Self::UserData>() > size_of::<*mut c_void>() {
            // Too big to pack into a *mut c_void, kick it to the heap.
            let data = Box::new(user_data);
            *self.user_data_ptr_mut() = Box::into_raw(data) as *mut c_void;
        } else {
            // DATA_SIZE <= VOID_SIZE
            *self.user_data_ptr_mut() = *(&user_data as *const Self::UserData as *const *mut c_void)

    /// # Safety
    /// The user data field must have previously been initialized via `init_user_data`.
    unsafe fn get_user_data(this: &Self) -> &Self::UserData {
        if size_of::<Self::UserData>() > size_of::<*mut c_void>() {
            &*((*this.user_data_ptr()) as *const Self::UserData)
        } else {
            // DATA_SIZE <= VOID_SIZE
            // Data is stored directly in the userData field.
            &*(this.user_data_ptr() as *const *mut c_void as *const Self::UserData)

    /// # Safety
    /// The user data field must have previously been initialized via `init_user_data`.
    unsafe fn get_user_data_mut(this: &mut Self) -> &mut Self::UserData {
        if size_of::<Self::UserData>() > size_of::<*mut c_void>() {
            // Data is stored in a Box<UserData> on the heap, and userData is just a pointer to it.
            &mut *((*this.user_data_ptr_mut()) as *mut Self::UserData)
        } else {
            // DATA_SIZE <= VOID_SIZE
            // Data is stored directly in the userData field.
            &mut *(this.user_data_ptr_mut() as *mut *mut c_void as *mut Self::UserData)