physx 0.15.0

High-level Rust interface for Nvidia PhysX
// Author: Tom Olsson <>
// Copyright © 2019, Embark Studios, all rights reserved.
// Created:  3 July 2019

use physx::prelude::*;

/// This is a WIP example for how the rustified wrappers lets your reduced the
/// amount of unsafe in your code, and make it clearer where we cannot abstract
/// away the underlying dangers.
/// The overall goal is to maintain a close mapping to the underlying PhysX API
/// while improving safety and reliability of the code.

/// Many of the main types in PhysX have a userData *mut c_void field.
/// Representing this safely in Rust requires generics everywhere,
/// and pre-defining all the generic parameters makes things more usable.
type PxMaterial = physx::material::PxMaterial<()>;
type PxShape = physx::shape::PxShape<(), PxMaterial>;
type PxArticulationLink = physx::articulation_link::PxArticulationLink<(), PxShape>;
type PxRigidStatic = physx::rigid_static::PxRigidStatic<(), PxShape>;
type PxRigidDynamic = physx::rigid_dynamic::PxRigidDynamic<(), PxShape>;
type PxArticulation = physx::articulation::PxArticulation<(), PxArticulationLink>;
type PxArticulationReducedCoordinate =
    physx::articulation_reduced_coordinate::PxArticulationReducedCoordinate<(), PxArticulationLink>;
type PxScene = physx::scene::PxScene<

/// Next up, the simulation event callbacks need to be defined, and possibly an
/// allocator callback as well.
struct OnCollision;
impl CollisionCallback for OnCollision {
    fn on_collision(
        &mut self,
        _header: &physx_sys::PxContactPairHeader,
        _pairs: &[physx_sys::PxContactPair],
    ) {
struct OnTrigger;
impl TriggerCallback for OnTrigger {
    fn on_trigger(&mut self, _pairs: &[physx_sys::PxTriggerPair]) {}

struct OnConstraintBreak;
impl ConstraintBreakCallback for OnConstraintBreak {
    fn on_constraint_break(&mut self, _constraints: &[physx_sys::PxConstraintInfo]) {}
struct OnWakeSleep;
impl WakeSleepCallback<PxArticulationLink, PxRigidStatic, PxRigidDynamic> for OnWakeSleep {
    fn on_wake_sleep(
        &mut self,
        _actors: &[&physx::actor::ActorMap<PxArticulationLink, PxRigidStatic, PxRigidDynamic>],
        _is_waking: bool,
    ) {

struct OnAdvance;
impl AdvanceCallback<PxArticulationLink, PxRigidDynamic> for OnAdvance {
    fn on_advance(
        _actors: &[&physx::rigid_body::RigidBodyMap<PxArticulationLink, PxRigidDynamic>],
        _transforms: &[PxTransform],
    ) {

fn main() {
    // Holds a PxFoundation and a PxPhysics.
    // Also has an optional Pvd and transport, not enabled by default.
    // The default allocator is the one provided by PhysX.
    let mut physics = PhysicsFoundation::<_, PxShape>::default();

    // Setup the scene object.  The PxScene type alias makes this much cleaner.
    // There are lots of unwrap calls due to potential null pointers.
    let mut scene: Owner<PxScene> = physics
        .create(SceneDescriptor {
            gravity: PxVec3::new(0.0, -9.81, 0.0),
            on_advance: Some(OnAdvance),

    let mut material = physics.create_material(0.5, 0.5, 0.6, ()).unwrap();

    let ground_plane = physics
        .create_plane(PxVec3::new(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0, material.as_mut(), ())
    // The scene owns actors that are added to it.  They can be retrieved using the
    // various getters on the scene.

    let sphere_geo = PxSphereGeometry::new(10.0);

    let mut sphere_actor = physics
            PxTransform::from_translation(&PxVec3::new(0.0, 40.0, 100.0)),
    sphere_actor.set_rigid_body_flag(RigidBodyFlag::EnablePoseIntegrationPreview, true);

    // Updating
    let heights_over_time = (0..100)
        .map(|_| {
            // Calls both simulate and fetch_results.  More complex simulation update
            // controls are not fully supported.
                    None::<&mut physx_sys::PxBaseTask>,
                    Some(unsafe { &mut ScratchBuffer::new(4) }),
                .expect("error occured during simulation");
            // For simplicity, just read out the only dynamic actor in the scene.
            // getActiveActors is also supported, it returns a Vec<&mut ActorMap> which has
            // a map method that takes a function for each actor type, and `as_<T>` methods
            // that return an Option<&mut T>.
            let actors = scene.get_dynamic_actors();
            actors[0].get_global_position().y() as i32 - 10

    // Draw to stdout
    let max_h = 18;
        .map(|h| {
            let h = max_h - 1 - h;
                .map(|(_t, p)| if h == *p { 'o' } else { ' ' })
        .for_each(|line| println!("{}", line));